The Tortoise and the Hare

I’m a Tortoise!

I’m a Tortoise!


Tortoise and the Hare

“Okay, Glenn, now we KNOW you have flipped!”

Hi everyone!

No, I can assure you that I haven’t quite lost the plot just yet!

But I am a tortoise.

Are you a tortoise?

Or are you one of these guys?

The Tortoise and the Hare

Which one would you rather be?

Does it even matter?

More to the point, just what the heck am I talking about!?

Well, in this month’s podcast I shall be talking about an ancient fable.

“The Tortoise and the Hare”

But there’s more to this than simply telling you an old story. There’s a lesson for you to take away.

So hit that “Play” button and enjoy this month’s podcast.


So, which are you?

If you used to be a hare, what helped you to change?

Let me know in the comments below!

About Me

Glenn is a Certified iPro Masters Partner

10 thoughts on “I’m a Tortoise!”

  1. Great and incredibly accurate analogy Glenn!

    And unfortunately, I have to plead guilty on this one as well!
    It’s so much easier to start a project, than it is to stay laser
    focused and see it through to the end!LOL!

    Your enthusiasm is just so much higher, than i the middle
    or the end!

    The tortoise and (like you pointed out), slow and steady!

    I think I wannabee just like the tortoise when I grow up!LOL! Thanks, you
    really did a great job with your analogy!!
    Mark recently posted…How And Why Some Really Great Lead Generation Possibilities Might Be One Doctor Visit Away!!My Profile

    1. Hi Mark,

      Many thanks!

      Whatever it is I’m doing these days, I try to make sure that I complete one thing at a time rather than being tempted to move onto something else. I always find it harder to go back and complete a previously-started task if I’ve jumped onto something else before finishing what I’ve started. Nope, focus and steady consistency is definitely the way to go.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting Mark, always appreciated. I hope you had a good weekend. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…3 Essential Elements to Successful PositioningMy Profile

  2. “Slowly, slowly catchee monkey” is a phrase that springs to mind 🙂

    I’ve certainly been guilty of being more ‘Hare-like’ than ‘Tortoise-like’ and you are so right how it leads to confusion and ultimately, overwhelm!

    Staying focused on just the next step and completing it before moving on is my plan now.
    “Slow and steady wins the race” 🙂
    Thanks for another great podcast.
    Kevin Barham recently posted…My First Green Screen | Quick Start ChallengeMy Profile

    1. HI Kevin,

      I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that phrase! I’ll have to look that one up. 🙂

      Staying focused on just the next step and completing it before moving on is a good plan. You’re definitely on the right track!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I’m looking forward to checking out your first green screen video! 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…“Tim Burton Made Me Late for Work”My Profile

  3. Hi Glenn.

    Great idea using the Tortoise and the Hare analogy. While I’m definitely not the hare,
    I need to be more like the tortoise. I haven’t tried to take on too much. I just haven’t
    done enough of the things I am doing. Although, that did change this week. I did finally
    complete my time management report. I debated whether to call it an ebook or not due to it is only 11 pages long. Let me know what you think, ebook or report.

    Anyway, I still need to create a squeeze page for it and set up my autoresponder to send out the email with the link to it when people subscribe. I am thinking about posting the link for it on the iPro, Affiliate Club and the BCB pages for everyone associated with Dean and company to get it. Sound like a good idea?

    Enjoy your weekend………Chris
    Chris DeeWaard recently posted…Be Prepared or Pay!!My Profile

    1. Hey Chris,

      I think we can all be guilty of not doing enough of the things we should be doing, I know I am for sure!

      Personally, I don’t think it matters whether you call it an e-book or a report. I suppose it depends on how it feels to you. If it feels more like a report than an e-book then call it a report and vice versa.

      I think it would be a great idea to share it with those groups. I can’t speak for the AC and BCB ones because I don’t admin those, but as for the iPro one I think it would be good to upload it to the files section rather than posting a direct link. That way it will be available to everyone in the group and all anyone will need to do to find it is take a look at the files section.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, bud. I hope all’s well with you. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Not Getting Results? Focus on the NEGATIVE!My Profile

  4. Hi Glenn,

    As always, another great podcast in the story of the tortoise and the hare. I consider myself to be the tortoise, taking care of what needs to be done, one step at a time. I have this thing I use and it goes like this, do all the little steps because all those little steps together make the big steps.

    Our businesses don’t happen overnight, it takes time to reach the finish line, just like you said. jumping from one thing to another gets us nowhere.

    Thank you for the podcast, it was a perfect example.

    You have an awesome weekend,

    Linda Schrier recently posted…Four Reasons Why Friendships CountMy Profile

    1. Hi Linda,

      I’ve definitely seen you taking things one careful step at a time and I think your blog has definitely benefited from this. In turn, everything else linked to that will benefit likewise. 🙂

      It’s true, things don’t happen overnight. Sure, different people use different approaches and some reach their destinations faster than others, but the difference between us and the tortoise and hare is that we’re not in a race. Reaching our goal efficiently is what is important for us.

      Thanks for the great comment. I hope you’re well and having a good week so far. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Time Management May Be Hazardous to Your BusinessMy Profile

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