So how’s my challenge coming along? Again, there’s nothing really exciting to report. Today I’ve been focusing on the Warrior Forum again and I did a little blog hopping but not as much as usual. Stats wise, my traffic has gone up a little from the previous day and it’s interesting to note that it’s been consistently higher ever since I commenced the challenge.
Another interesting bit of information I discovered today comes from Now I don’t know an awful lot about Alexa but I believe that, although it can be used as an indicator, you shouldn’t pay too much attention to it as a reliable source of stats, mainly due to the fact that the stats are only generated from traffic that has the Alexa toolbar installed. I don’t know if this is correct or not, but I still find it interesting to see what it tells me. For example, since I last checked, which was about 3 days ago, my site ranking has gone up by around 3 million. But the really interesting thing I spotted today was a tiny flag alongside my stats. Upon getting more details, it turns out that it is indicative of the country from where I’m getting the most visitors. “That’s easy,” I hear you cry, “it will likely be the USA or the UK, surely?” Well, apparently not. At least not according to Alexa. So, do you want to know which country it said? Okay, I shall tell you….
Yes, you read that right. Now, I have absolutely nothing against Slovenia. In fact, I know very little about the country. But, according to, 69% of visitors to my site are coming from Slovenia.
So, if you’re from Slovenia and you’re reading this, perhaps you could leave a comment and let me know your reasons for visiting and how you got here? I would really love to know!
Today I have also been looking at some further free traffic methods. One of these is utilising Google+. I’m still quite new to that platform and haven’t really made that much use from it yet but I shall try to utilise it more and see what results I get. Of course, I will report back here with anything of note 🙂
Now, you have likely noticed that I have a couple of banners on my site. One will take you to a free video from Dean Holland and the other will take you to a free webinar from Alex Jeffreys. Yesterday I discovered that the site for the webinar was throwing up a 404 error message. This was a mystery as it usually works fine and I haven’t done a single thing to change anything. So I logged in to my CPanel and took a look at my folders and files. Nope, all seemed fine there. Yet the site still wasn’t loading. The index.htm file was still there and if I opened it up manually by entering the entire URL for that file, it loaded fine and dandy.
So to cut a long story short I have fixed the problem. Now, I don’t know much about php and my HTML skills are somewhat rusty, to say the least, but apparently my site was searching for an index.php by defaut and when it didn’t find one it just threw up a 404. So I created an .htaccess file and entered the following line of code (minus quotes): “DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php”. This seems to have done the trick and the site’s working again now 🙂
Now I have absolutely no idea why this happened. I don’t know whether or not a .htaccess used to be there or needed to be there, but the site’s been working perfectly okay for 3 months and I haven’t touched it, so why it suddenly stopped working is a mystery to me. But if you tried to click on one of the Easy Cash Webinar banners and it took you to a 404 page then I apologise for the inconvenience and highly recommend that you try again, as the content from Alex Jeffreys can literally change your business and change your outlook completely.
Well I shall sign off here for another day. Thanks to each and every one of you who takes the time out to visit and to read through my blog posts, I value each and every one of you 🙂
You don’t need to be first, don’t need to be unique, but you certainly have to show up.
It looks like you are staying on top of everything well, like you said, you gotta show up! I do recommend G+, one of my sites that I’ve been struggling to rank on page 1 for google for awhile, well I finally am on page 1 for my G+ profile post to my site. So, there is something to be said there!
Matt Kendo recently posted…7 days of action, where I’m at!
lol I had absolutely no idea that was even there! I must have pasted it at the end of my post by mistake! That was actually something that Phil Richards said in a recent post of his, so I copied and pasted it into my reply on his site to tell him how much I liked it. I must have then pasted it here without realising! Oh well, it kind of fits doesn’t it? So then, so long as Phil doesn’t mind, I’ll leave it there 🙂
I’m definitely interested as to what effect G+ has along with the Google authorship plugin. Hopefully they’ll do nice things for me 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Stepping Outside of Your Padded Comfort Box
Yeah, it’s just fortunate for me that computer issues don’t phase me and even if it’s in an area where I don’t have much knowledge I can always figure something out. But it helps me to appreciate the turmoil it must throw some people into if they don’t know what to do.
As for Slovenia – how bizarre, right!? And I don’t know if you noticed my post about it in the FB group, but just a short while after making the first post I got a friend request on Skype from someone in Slovenia! I’m not sure whether or not to accept it because it’s not someone that I know and there wasn’t any message with it other than the default one.
If things carry on like this then, if nothing else, it will make for an interesting ride! lol!
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Challenge Day 5 Updates
Dude, you’ve been having a couple of issues huh? Well, that’s the nature of the internet man from time to time. I had my hiccups a few weeks ago and finally got that stuff sorted out. I’m kinda like you with the forums as well. I’ve been visiting daily but if there is nothing I can contribute to, I’m going to share on my partner’s blog. Just keep it moving bro, we will get there.
Oh and Slovenia? Wow! You’re out there and don’t know it. LOL
Jerry Handy recently posted…The Marketer in Me…