Just Who Is Glenn Shepherd?
Hi there!
First of all, I’d like to say welcome to my website and thank you so much for taking the time to visit.
So then, who am I?
My name is Glenn Shepherd and I am an Online Marketer and Coach from the UK. I currently work along with the greatly-respected Dean Holland as part of the coaching and support team at Internet Profits Limited.
Having learned from some of the world’s top Internet Marketers, such as Dean, Alex Jeffreys and Frank Kern, I have taken what I have learned and made it my goal to use it in the best way that I can to help others to achieve success online.
I believe that there has been no better time to start an online business, however it can be difficult to know whom to trust and where to go for reliable help. It is my aim to provide inspiration, motivation and help for those who would like to make money online, always doing so with complete transparency and honesty.
A Little Background
When I was forced to leave work for health reasons in the early 1990’s I became very interested in working for myself. For many years I tried various ways to accomplish this but had little success.
Just like so many, I found myself turning to the Internet and doing searches such as “make money online”. For years and years I searched but found very little in the way of real value or direction.
In 2012 I discovered an Internet Marketer by the name of Alex Jeffreys and it was his training that gave me a whole new outlook, a fresh enthusiasm and gave me the kick I needed to start to change things for the better. It was then that I started my very first blog (the very one you’re visiting right now), made my very first blog post and, for the first time, had an idea of where I wanted to be and how I wanted to get there. Of course I still had a lot to learn but just a few months later I was to be presented with a life-changing opportunity that would take my efforts up to the next level.
In November 2012, I attended a webinar hosted by one of Alex Jeffreys’ success stories, Dean Holland. Dean had been developing a partnership program for some time and was finally making it available to a limited number of people. Knowing Dean’s pedigree and the reputation that he’d been able to build for himself, I just had to join him in this exciting venture.
Having the personal mentorship and training from a proven seven-figure Marketer, along with a working system that is the exact system that Dean himself uses, really helped me to hone my skills and accomplish things that I had never done before – things such as making my very first online sale, having my very first four-figure payday and being in a position to assist and teach others to do what I had learned to do.
In September 2015 I had the privilege of being taken on to work with Dean in his company, providing tutorials, coaching and technical support to our clients. Not only do I strive to add value to Dean’s company as a crucial part of his team, but the experience is invaluable in helping me to serve my blog visitors, my subscribers and customers even better.

Let Me Help You
Through this website, through my e-mail newsletters, via my social-networks and through the training I provide in Internet Profits, my aim is to provide the much-needed help and direction for people who are interested in making a living online but perhaps don’t know how to get started or what direction to take once they have.
Here are a few of my past blog posts that you may find useful:
“It’s Alive!” – My very first blog post. It isn’t anything world-shattering and it isn’t pretty, but it was a starting point. You can start too!
“Make Money Online – Can You Do It?” – Many people doubt they have what it takes. Here I highlight how you’re no different from those who have gone on to be hugely successful. You CAN do it!
“You Have the Knowledge!” – Do you know enough to get things going and be successful? You may be surprised!
“Your Business Needs YOU!” – It’s often said that you must have a USP. Do you know what that is? And do you have one? Find out in this post.
“What is Your ‘Why’?” – Everyone must have a “why”. Do you know what yours is?
“What is Your ‘Because’?” – We all make excuses from time to time that hold us back. What’s holding YOU back?
“Protecting Yourself on the Internet” – In my very first guest post, I.T. expert, Ben Solomon reveals some of the simple and easy ways that we can protect ourselves online.
“Seven Silly Mistakes That Could Be Killing Your Business” – When it comes to business ethics I will never pull any punches! In this post I address seven of the silly mistakes that I’ve seen time and time again in business.
“Seven Silly Mistakes That Could Be Killing Your Blog” – We all want our blogs to be successful but are we actually putting people off? This post covers some of the things that could be.
“EMA Podcast 001: “The Number One Newbie Traffic Mistake That Could Cost You Thousands (And Your Sanity!)” – My very first podcast!
“Two Big Reasons Why You May Be Failing In Your Online Business” – Are you struggling to get anywhere? It could be down to one or both of these two big reasons.
How I’ve Done It So Far
For a more detailed background about me and the steps that I’ve taken so far, grab my free, digital book, “Why Not YOU?” (link to updated edition coming SOON!)
But, how about this:
Would you like to learn for yourself exactly how I achieved success after starting from complete scratch?
Would you like to get access to the very insights that I learned that helped me to go from struggling newbie to not only getting my first ever results online, but going on to generating thousands of dollars?
Would you like to do this for FREE?
Then you’ll definitely want to click below:
Please subscribe to my mailing list (coming soon) to be kept fully up-to-date and also receive an exclusive free gift! You can rest assured that I will NOT share your details with ANYONE, nor will I spam you with garbage.
Also please follow me on Twitter, ‘Like’ me on Facebook and wherever else I may be.
If there’s anything at all that I can help you with, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line.
With warmest regards,
Hi Glenn,
I wanted to let you know that I’ve enjoyed reading this post and I think you’re an inspiration to many.
Never knew that you were mentored by Alex Jeffreys. In the past, I’ve followed a coaching program of his as well. It seems that quite a few people who have been taught by Alex are now part of Ipro or some other big biz opp, I guess he’s doing something right :P.
I’ll be following your journey as I think you have a lot of valuable content on your site.
Best of luck to you and rock on brother!
Warm regards,
Kenneth van Eer
Hi Kenneth, thanks for stopping by my “About” page!
I’m finally getting around to catching up with things on here (including eventually replying to your comment!). Hopefully I’ll have everything in full swing shortly!
Thanks for your kind words, I’ve never really considered myself an inspiration but am certainly glad if I am able to inspire people.
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Success – How to Overcome and Accomplish Anything
Hi Glenn,
I really enjoyed your story and like you I also had the opportunity to learn from Alex Jeffreys and now with Dean Holland in iPRO. I have so much more to learn and I enthusiasticaly joined your newsletter as I want so much to make a real success of my internet marketing and your success and experiences will be invaluable to me. I wish you continued success.
Peter Beckenham recently posted…Deadly Affiliate Marketing Mistakes
Hi Peter,
As with Willard above, I must apologise for the late reply. I don’t know how I missed both your comments, but for some reason I did, hence the late reply.
I actually didn’t realise you’d subscribed to my list. I hope that you enjoyed my e-book and also the bonus training.
Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…I’m a Tortoise!
you have written some interesting blog post. i think anybody would be smart to follow your lead.
Hi Willard,
I’m so sorry to only be replying now to your comment – for some reason I completely missed both yours and Peter’s comments!
Many thanks for your comment, I appreciate you taking the time to come and check out some of my posts, I’m glad you like them. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…5 Benefits You Ought to Know About Engagement
It’s great you found a passion online in this crazy world we live in. I think this is just the beginning and we’ll start to see more people working online.
Hi there Tom,
Welcome to my blog, thanks for stopping by.
Yes, I think the online business world is only just about starting to get real traction now. It’ll be interesting to see how things pan out over the next few years. I certainly aim to be slap-bang in the middle of it! 😉
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Two Big Reasons You May Be Failing In Your Online Business
Hello Glenn, Happy blogging… ! Just impressed to start blogging… keep the good work. We will reach the goal.
Hi there Alberto,
Thanks very much for stopping by to check out my blog. Keep up the consistency with all that you’re doing and never give up! 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…The Tale of a Newbie Internet Marketer
Hi Glenn,
Just wanted to wish you luck on your IM journey — I will follow your progress avidly!
I must say it’s very refreshing to find a ‘Hype’ free marketer 🙂
All the Best Glenn,
Kind regards
David Knight
Hi David,
Thanks so much, I shall endeavour to be as interesting as possible! 😉
Hype’s all well and good so long as whatever is being hyped lives up to it. Sadly, too many times in this industry it is simply not the case and people end up wasting time and money on rubbish or on things that just don’t live up to how they were advertised.
I’m all about honesty and value, plain and simple. If I think something is good then I will say so, but equally so if I think that something is bad. I certainly don’t believe in promoting anything that I haven’t tried for myself, so I ensure that any adverts, recommendations or promotions are only for things that I have actually used myself and believe in. Again, this is something that is all-too-often lacking with many marketers.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, please come by any time 🙂
Kind regards,
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…What is Your “Because”? Eliminate Your Obstacles