60 Day Challenge – Day 2

day2Hey everyone!

So here I am on day 2 of my 60 day challenge. Well, technically it’s now day 3 as it’s currently 1:08 AM on Sunday morning at the time of writing, but I had a busy Saturday and couldn’t get to work until late on Saturday night.

So what have I been doing today? Pretty much the same as yesterday – forum posting and blog commenting. To be honest, I have struggled a little bit as I’m not feeling too well right now (it doesn’t help being up so late!) so I’ve found it quite hard to focus as well as I would like.

The good news is that upon checking yesterday’s visitor stats I can report that they reached an all-time high. Let’s hope they keep climbing! Of course, in reality, I expect fluctuation, but it’s nice to see the graph going up!

So that’s all I have to report for now. Tomorrow (well, technically today, due to it being Sunday morning, etc…) I aim to do more of the same but I also want to look deeper into other free traffic methods. Of course I’ll keep you up-to-date when I post day 3’s update.

I hope that this challenge is as exciting for my visitors as it is for me – I can’t wait to see what the results are at the end of the 60 days! πŸ™‚

Don’t forgetΒ  – leave your feedback below please! πŸ™‚

8 thoughts on “60 Day Challenge – Day 2”

  1. Hey bro,

    Thanks for your support as always. I have another busy day today but hopefully I’ll be able to knuckle down and dedicate a 60 minute slot of hard graft and also spend some time looking into other free traffic methods πŸ™‚
    Glenn Shepherd recently posted…60 Day Challenge – Day 2My Profile

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