Challenge Updates, Day 9 to 11

Challenge Updates Day 9 to 11

60 Day Challenge Updates

Hi everyone,

First things first – don’t worry, I haven’t given up on the Challenge! I realise that I haven’t update for a few days but I’ve been quite poorly so I just haven’t been able to work myself up to working on a post. But I have still been working on driving traffic, although due to my not been too well, I have struggled somewhat.

Anyway, here I am with a blog post and it’s a bumper update covering days 9 to 11! Well actually, perhaps not so much of a bumper update per se as it’s pretty much the same story for each day!

My main focus has been forum and blog commenting still but I am branching out a bit. I’ve set up a few more social media channels but, as yet, haven’t utilised them much. This will be coming over the next few days. I do need to find additional ways to drive traffic as I’m finding that concentrating on the Warrior Forum is far too restrictive. If I can’t think of a subject for a thread that will contribute value, or if I can’t find an existing thread to comment on, then I just won’t do it. I am all about sincerity, honesty and giving value so I’m not going to post on the forum just for the sake of it. The same goes for blog posting. I know that I wouldn’t be happy if I got ‘spammy’ comments so I’m certainly not going to do it to other people.

Something else I have done is set up an account with Scribd. I will be using this to submit articles to. Now, some people say that article marketing is still a viable means of traffic generation and backlink building and others say that it’s pretty much a wasted endeavour in modern Internet marketing. I figure that I shall try for myself, it certainly can’t do any harm. If nothing else, it should get me further exposure and it may serve to get direct traffic. Anyway I shall be doing this too over the next few days and when the results are in I’ll let you know here.

A Slight Change of Approach to the Challenge

I’ve made a decision about how I’m going to document the 60 Day Challenge. A few the other License Rights Partners have expressed how they didn’t feel that they could keep up with posting updates daily so they’ve opted to update less often. With my last 3 days being pretty much like the 8 before them and my being able to consolidate the updates into one post I’ve decided that I’m going to go for a similar approach myself. This is for a couple of reasons…

As I said above, this post comprises of 3 days worth of updates and there’s not much different to report. So I feel that I can still achieve my aim of chronicling the details of this journey but only post updates every few days or when there’s something of note to report. That way I can make posts about other subjects rather than post more than once a day, which is what I’d have to do if I carry on making daily Challenge updates. Either that or make combination posts about a given subject and also Challenge updates. Neither seems like the ideal solution so my Challenge updates will now be every few days instead of daily.

So what do I have to report? Nothing much new I’m afraid. I’m just trying to maintain consistency by keeping up with what I’ve been doing, which has been generating results. My visitor numbers dropped a little over the weekend but that might be due to my not putting as much work in as usual. Even though I haven’t been well I’ve been trying put in the minimum 60 minutes per day but the quality and quantity of what I’ve actually done with those 60 minutes has probably been a bit lower than normal. But even though the number of visitors has dipped the percentage of new visitors has climbed, so that’s a good sign, I hope!

Righto, time to sign off, methinks. Don’t forget, if you’ve got this far then please leave a comment! 🙂

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