view yourself

EMA Podcast 005: “How Do You View Yourself?”

EMA Podcast 005: “How Do You View Yourself?”


view yourselfHi folks!

For this month’s podcast I decided to approach things a little differently. How? Well, I guess you’ll have to have a listen and find out! 😉

Hopefully, though, you’ll get some inspiration from it, especially if you’re a newbie.

As always, I’m completely open and transparent and on this episode I lay bare some of the mental barriers that I sometimes still battle with after around two and a half years of blogging and Internet marketing. I’m sure that some of you will be able to relate to what I share with you.

So, without further ado, I present to you the podcast for June…


I really hope that you enjoyed this month’s podcast. Please don’t forget to leave your feedback in the comments below.

How do you view yourself?

Do you think that you might view yourself a little differently after listening to this podcast?

Let me know below – I’d love to hear from you!

About Me

Glenn is a Cetified iPro Masters Partner

4 thoughts on “EMA Podcast 005: “How Do You View Yourself?””

  1. Hi Glenn,

    Lovely podcast, especially the way it flows naturally.

    One of my favorite says is “don’t get it perfect, just get it going” Thanks for mentioning that. If we wait for everything to be perfect, we will be in a standstill.

    As a blogger, we may be looked at as an authority because if we do have some expertise in an area, we write about it. People think of us as an authority. I did have to struggle with this myself. No…not me lol.

    It is important to consider ourselves an authority, or an internet marketer because it is a mindset that we need in order to give our very best to others.


    Donna Merrill recently posted…5 Wise BloggersMy Profile

    1. Hi Donna,

      Thank you very much. I am actually pleasantly surprised at how well it flowed considering that I had no notes and that it was completely on the fly!

      It sure can be a real challenge at times to consider ourselves an authority. But if we have expertise, experience or knowledge about a certain thing then we should leverage that and not downgrade ourselves. So long as we’re sure to not make outlandish claims and think more of ourselves than we should, then having that positive, success mindset is essential. As you say, with the right mindset we can then give our very best to others and that is what we should all striving for always,.

      Thanks for your visit and great comment, Donna. Have a great week! 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…EMA Podcast 004: “5 Top Tips for a Successful Blog”My Profile

  2. Hi Glenn,

    Great podcast on how we view ourselves.

    In my mind I think you’re one of the best bloggers out there. You are very clear on what you share and I love that about you’re writing and podcasts.

    I still view myself as a newbie but I am changing and getting the help I need to start growing and getting clearer on what I’m doing so I can move ahead in my business.

    I love that saying don’t get it perfect, just get it going and that is what I’m doing. I am jumping in and doing what needs to be done.

    I am working on my strategy and getting clearer with what I plan on doing.

    Thank you for the podcast.

    You have an awesome weekend,

    Linda Schrier recently posted…Without Traffic To Our Sites, We Can’t Build Our Business, Wouldn’t You Agree?My Profile

    1. Hi Linda,

      Thanks so much for that, it’s very kid of you to say. Of course, a lot of opinion about a blogger will be largely subjective, so who appeals to one person may not appeal in the same way, if at all, to another. But what I always strive to do is provide good, solid, actionable content that anyone can take away and apply. And, as you know, I provide a lot that is based on my own experience, either from my online journey or from my experience in other areas.

      It’s really great that you are getting the help you need. And that clarity that you mention is so very essential. It’s a lack of that clarity that can cause so many people to give up.

      Keep going, Linda. I know that you face obstacles from time to time, but so long as you remain determined and never give up, you will overcome them and continue to push forwards. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Installing and Deleting WordPress Plugins ManuallyMy Profile

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