Hi everyone,
Just a quick post to explain why you haven’t heard from me for a couple of weeks or so.
Firstly, I was away in London at a special event on Thursday 22nd January so the preparations leading up to this and some stuff I had to do afterwards held me up somewhat. I’ll mention this a little more in my next post.
Secondly (and this is the biggie), the hard drive in my laptop had mechanical failure. Everything’s on my laptop – all my training programs, my products I’m working on, my website stuff, personal files, etc. Everything! Now, this leads me on to an important point…
This is something that I should know only too well, especially considering my background as a PC engineer, however it’s something that I still don’t do stringently enough. I did have a large part of my work, files, etc backed up but an enormous amount wasn’t.
So I’ve spent the last week or so having to get my laptop up and running again and am currently in the process of retrieving what I can from my wrecked hard drive. Fortunately it is still functioning sufficiently that I am (so far) able to access and retrieve what I need to, but this is a gargantuan task that I envisage still taking me some days yet to complete.
Finally, this weekend I’ll be away at a private mastermind event with Dean Holland and a small group of fellow iPro Partners. This should be a welcome distraction of the stresses of this last week and I’m sure that I’ll come away with good stuff that I can implement in what I’m doing and, in turn, pass on to my visitors and subscribers.
So, all being well, I’ll have a proper blog post up next week as usual.
Until next week,
A timely reminder – and I almost had a similar experience this morning. The whole flaming thing ground to a halt and my response was to do a complete back up after what you said about your laptop when we were talking at the weekend. Thank you in anticipation. It’s always the IT guys who never back up!!
Richard Seaton recently posted…A Quick Heads Up On Buying Marketing Tools
Hey Richard,
Yes, guilty as charged! lol!
I’m glad you didn’t end up having a disaster with yours. We don’t want anything to hinder the momentum we all feel after the weekend, right? 😉
Thanks for stopping by, my friend.
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…When Your Business Hands You Lemons
So, that’s it! Haha, I was wondering what had happened to you. I haven’t been following you long, but you didn’t appear to be the type of blogger that just randomly disappears. Sorry to hear about the hard drive, but it appears you’re a lot like me. You like to learn the hard way. Ah well, you live and you learn I suppose. Best of luck at you mastermind event.
Mark Curtis recently posted…Why Blog?
Hi Mark,
I believe this is your first comment on my blog so thanks so much for that and a big welcome to you! Your name looks so familiar and I’ve been trying to work out why. Then it hit me – you’re a subscriber on my list, aren’t you? See, I really do take note of those who subscribe! 🙂
No, I’m definitely not going to randomly disappear. There have been times when life has gotten in the way and I have to admit to allowing things to slide somewhat in the past, but my aim now is to not only keep up the momentum but to actually increase what I’m doing. There are some exciting things coming! 😉
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Check Out This Big Orange!
Glenn, Welcome back sir. I was wondering why I haven’t heard from you. Glad you got things headed back in the right direction with your computer. Also I’m probably just as guilty as you are when it comes to backing things up.
I have an external hard drive but I end up putting more videos on it than anything else. But I’ll take in consideration the problem it can cause me if I dont back my stuff up.
That was a very valuable lesson.
Jerry Handy recently posted…How To Build A Highly Responsive List For Your Business
Hey Jerry,
Slowly but surely getting back in the saddle. The last three days have delayed me somewhat because, as you know, I was at the iPro Mastermind workshop with Dean and the gang. That’s a worthy delay though because it’s helped me reassess a few things, reaffirm a few things, give me some ideas about pushing forwards and motivate me to build things out and help people even further.
Watch this space! 😉
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…3 Approaches to Online Success