Just a Few Updates
Hi everyone!
Seeing as I haven’t posted for a little while I thought I’d give you a brief update as to where I’m up to in my Internet marketing journey.
Anyone who’s a regular visitor will be aware of the recent challenge I undertook. In my previous post I wrote about the results and what I got out of taking part in it.
After I made that post I decided to try a little experiment. One of the most strived-after things in Internet marketing is traffic, right?
There are a number of ways to drive traffic and one thing that I usually do after making a new blog post is to announce the update across my social media accounts, leave the link using the CommentLuv plugin when I comment on other blogs and post to the private Facebook group that I am a member of as part of Dean Holland’s License Rights Program. I also had a mailing list set up so that people could get updates on the challenge, but on this occasion I decided to wait a few days before sending out a mailing to say that the post was live.
Using these methods means that I get a lot of my fellow License Rights Partners and regular visitors immediately coming to the post and leaving a comment, thus helping to generate some valuable activity. Now I appreciate this very much of course, but I got to thinking – what would happen if I carried on with my usual activities but didn’t actually advertise the post?
In short, I didn’t really see any difference!
You can take a look for yourself and see that I still had people checking it out and leaving their comments.
So why did I try this? It was mainly out of curiosity to see how much interest I could get in the post with minimal advertising of the post itself. I was pleased to see that I still got plenty of visits and comments to the post.
Something else I have tried recently is to purchase my very first solo ad. Here are the details:
Package: 100 guaranteed unique clicks
Delivered: 121 clicks – an over-delivery of 21
Opt-ins: 51
Sales: 0
Cost: $40
So, all in all, not a bad result for a first attempt. Of course, I would have liked to have made some sales, but now I have 51 people who are in the sales funnel and this means that some of these could end up being customers at a later point.
In Other News…
I’ve changed my mind again about my first self-created product. Originally I had decided to write an e-book but then I ditched that idea in favour of creating a video course. Now I’ve decided to go back to the e-book idea. I haven’t scrapped the video course but I decided that an e-book could be a good place to start and could serve as a kind of chronicle of my journey up to this point.
I haven’t quite finished the e-book yet but as soon as it’s ready then I’ll let you know and you will be able to grab your free copy 🙂
If you’re just starting out, what sort of things would you like to see covered in a beginner’s e-book or course? Please let me know by leaving a comment below!
Some interesting points about driving traffic. Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things 🙂
Thanks for your comment, I’m glad that you found the post useful 🙂
Kind regards,
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Your Business Needs YOU!
Hey Glen,
Great to see you progressing, and also your results with solo ads. Jerry’s got some fantastic results with solo ads too.
I think it’s easier to start off with an ebook product and then expand later. You could always make the video version of it and add it to your funnel as an upsell. 😉
Best of luck. keep up the great work 🙂
Ben Solomon recently posted…Learning / Research vs Action
Hey Ben,
Great to see you again, buddy.
I agree, an e-book is probably the best thing to start with. I originally started rewriting some PLR but just couldn’t get enthusiastic about it because it wasn’t 100% my own. So I decided to do a video course based entirely on my own knowledge and experience. I’m still going to release that, but I felt that a basic e-book would be much better to start with and maybe could whet the appetite of the reader and it will then be a natural progression to nicely lead on to the video course.
Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment, it’s appreciated as always 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Don’t Stop Buying WSOs!
Yeah, you could always have the video course as an add-on later. I’ve personally been thinking of reworking some good quality PLR (which is hard to find, but possible as I found out) and put out a few products, not necessarily in my name, to test out the market and build a list in various niches, and then when I’m ready, I’d put out a 100% my own work as a higher ticket item based on my level of interest/ passion in those niches.
Keep up the great work mate. 🙂
Ben Solomon recently posted…Learning / Research vs Action
That sounds like a good idea. If nothing else some good PLR can serve as a platform for getting tips and ideas. Just keep it nice and simple and be careful not to spread yourself too thinly. I look forward to seeing your success 😀
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Your Business Needs YOU!
Hey Paul,
Nice to see you here again, thanks for dropping by and commenting.
Thanks for those reminders and tips, but I don’t have to do or worry about any of that. I’m partnered with Dean Holland (link above in the main post) so the solo was directed straight to the front end of his funnel. All those subscribers are now in his funnel so all the follow-up and back end marketing will be done by him. I won’t have to lift a finger 🙂
Incidentally, I do have my own list in place, but for this solo everything was directed to Dean’s funnel.
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…(Blog) Hopping Mad! Blog Hopping Tips
Hey Glenn,
neat post, neat experiment and ultra neat result with the solos – well done. Who did you use for the clicks? Do you have a few messages in your auto-responder follow up sequence to bring those subscribers round to your way of thinking. You should be trying to sell them whatever it was they didn’t buy, in your follow-up sequence.
Be sure to have them taken off the freebie seekers list automatically when they buy the product, and get put on the all valuable buyers list. Its easy enough in AWeber, probably in the other biggies too.
Very encouraging post Glenn. Well done indeed sir !
Paul Henderson recently posted…High Speed Article Marketing Part 1
Hello there Glenn. Just thought I’d drop you a comment on this post (seemed as good as any) to say that I’ve read a few of your posts and I’m enjoying the blog! Expect to see me around in the comments! 😉
Shaun Hoobler recently posted…world of warcraft holy paladin guide
Hi Shaun,
I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog, thanks for taking the time to check it out.
I’ll keep an eye out for your further comments and, as you may have noticed, I always give a reply so I’ll always notice any comments left and will respond to them.
Thanks again for visiting and thank for leaving your comment 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Consistency is Key & the Golden Rule
Hi Glenn
That’s a pretty good result with your solo ad.
I’ve thought about buying one to test out how it would work in growing my list and you’ve given me some encouragement on that.
I currently don’t have a freebie on my blog to give away and it has certainly lessened how quick people will sign up to your list.
I’m also in the process of finishing an eBook so I’ll be interested to see yours too.
Tim Bonner recently posted…WP Indexer – Get More Pages Indexed By Google
Hi Tim,
Nice to hear from you, buddy 🙂
Yes, the results from my solo were okay, it’s just a shame that it didn’t result in any sales. However the optins are all in the sales funnel now so there’s always the chance that some of these could turn into customers further down the line as a result.
If you have great content on your blog and people can see that your a personable person who builds relationships with his readers then you’ll get signups based on that, but you’re absolutely right, you really need to get yourself a freebie to give away as an incentive.
Well done on writing your e-book, I look forward to seeing the results. I haven’t worked on mine for a few days but I want to get it wrapped up and out there this week if possible.
Glenn 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…You Have the Knowledge!
Hi Glenn,
This is really an interesting experiment. Maybe the traffic you are getting into your blog is not coming from the social media sites but from other sources such as blog hopping.
When I started I struggled a lot with being focused. I wanted like a daily checklist to follow everyday to get things done.
Wish you all the best with your ebook Glenn.
Be Blessed,
Hi Neamat,
Thanks for your input. I think focus can be a big struggle to a lot of beginners, I certainly struggled with it for a long time.
Regarding my traffic, I pretty much didn’t promote the post at all. Usually I do things such as leaving an udpate via social media, e-mailing my (tiny) list and selecting my latest post through CommentLuv when leaving comments on blogs. But on that occasion I think the only promotion the post got was if I commented on a blog that didn’t allow me to select which post to leave through CommentLuv. But I still got visitors and comments to the post, which was awesome. It showed me:
1) most importantly, I was still getting traffic, even with minimal effort. However, this doesn’t mean that I should slack off with my efforts to drive traffic as one thing I have learned, which I have spoken about in previous posts, is that consistency is essential.
2) I still got comments from some of my regular visitors, which showed me that they are keeping an eye on what I’m doing and not only coming when I announce a new post. So thank you to all my regular visitors, you rock! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Neamat, it’s always appreciated 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Are You Consistently Consistent?
Glenn, one thing I try to keep in mind when thinking about a product is “what is it that I needed” when I started? Sometimes I believe we get into paralysis by analysis and fail to do anything. Whether its an Ebook or video course, go for it. You never know how it’s going to be accepted unless you put it out there.
As I’ve said before, my course is 95%done and I was going to just put it up on a squeeze for list building , but I’ve changed my mind and decided to put in a membership site. It will be there mainly to build the membership and then I’ll incorporate other content that will require a premium. As of now, I’ve got the site built and will put the form together promoting the site. Just trying to be proactive and position myself for the days, weeks, and months to come.
Jerry Handy recently posted…My Latest Traffic Results-$1400 in 2 weeks
Hey Jerry,
Thanks for your input. Those are my thoughts exactly, I’m trying to include the things that I needed when I first started. Feedback from others is welcome though, as the things that others need might be different from what I needed and vice versa. But whichever way, I’ll get it out there. After all, it’s not set in stone and can be updated and amended if necessary.
I’m sure your course will be awesome, you’ve clearly put a lot of thought into it. I look forward to seeing your results when it’s finished.
Thanks for your continued support, buddy, it’s much appreciated as always 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…You Have the Knowledge!
Hi Glenn,
Interesting experiment about the blog post. I wonder if that would be the case if you continued with not advertising the post. People are inclined to forget you unless you contantly have your name out there as a reminder.
My 100 click solos did not do well either as far as the Licensee program is concerned. People getting the results are buying 250 – 500 click solos. I think I am going to be brave, raid my piggy bank, and go for one of those next time.
Good luck with your ebook. Probably the easiest product to create to begin with. If I were just starting put I would like to learn exactly how to set up a squeez/sales funnel and build a list in a beginner’s ebook.
Sandy Halliday recently posted…Can Outbound Links Boost Your SEO?
Hi Sandy,
It’s nice to hear from you, thanks for stopping by 🙂
With regards to my little experiment, it’s not something that I intend to put into practice, it was just a one-off to see what would happen. At this stage I recognise that I certainly don’t have enough of a reputation, enough reach or sufficient traffic to be failing to utilise the free traffic generation and relationship building methods that I have at my disposal.
If you end up going for a 250-500 click solo next time please don’t forget to share your results, I’d definitely be interested in hearing how it works out for you. I haven’t yet decided what my next strategy will be regarding this, but whichever way I’ll have to make sure that I do my due diligence beforehand.
Thanks for your input regarding what you’d like to see in a beginner’s e-book. I just thought that if I can get a little feedback as to the kind of things that people would like to see included then if there’s something that I have experience or knowledge in I can make sure that I don’t forget to cover it.
I hope that it’s nice and sunny where you are, it’s been glorious here for a change! 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Five Tips for Taking Action