Get My Brand New, Free E-Book!

It Has Finally Arrived!


Hi everyone,

So here it is – another milestone. I have finally finished my e-book! This is the first product that I have created 100% from scratch. It is called “Why Not YOU?” and it’s available now for free, right here on my website.


free e-bookSo what is this book about and who is it for? It is aimed at absolute beginners, those who would like to start making money online but don’t have a clue as to how and where to start. It contains the steps that I have taken, right from the beginning up to where I am right now.

If you get the book you automatically get give-away rights, so you can use it to give to your list, give it away as a bonus, etc. If you get hold of it and would like to give it away then I’d be most grateful as, of course, the more publicity it generates for me, the better, right?

So go ahead, pop your details into one of the many convenient forms through my site and grab your 100% free copy of “Why Not YOU?” right now!

To your success,


Β iPro_Goldsm

28 thoughts on “Get My Brand New, Free E-Book!”

  1. Sherman Smith

    Hey Glenn,

    Congratulations on your ebook! I know that you put in a lot of work in this. I finished mine this past summer and that does takes some dedication.

    But in all, you got it finish. I’ll definitely pass this forward!

    1. Hi Steve,

      Thanks very much. It is definitely the first of many. I’m already working on my next major milestone, plus I have a few other things in the pipeline too. Stay tuned! πŸ˜‰

      Many thanks for stopping by and commenting, it’s much appreciated.

      Kind regards,
      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Four Figures in One Day! Why Not You?My Profile

  2. Hey Glenn,

    congrats man on getting your ebook out there. I have every confidence it’ll be a winner for you. And I have to agree with the people who’ve already said it so many times – your blog is really cool matey. A huge resource with so much honest and just plain good quality information. A credit to you buddy. Keep up the great work πŸ™‚

    All the best pal,

    Paul Henderson recently posted…Water, Water Everywhere – Nor Any Drop to DrinkMy Profile

  3. Hi Glenn,

    Congrats on finishing your first book, definitely sounds like it’s going to help a lot of people out who are just getting started.

    I really like the idea of having give away rights. This will definitely help spread the word about you and get more people back to your site.

    I know that it will be a huge success…Do you plan on creating more products later on down the road. Now that you got this one done, your next one should be much easier.

    Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great day.
    Susan Velez recently posted…Outsourced My WSO Sales Letter GraphicsMy Profile

    1. Hi Susan,

      Thanks so much for stopping by, it’s great to see you here again πŸ™‚

      Yes, it makes sense to make it as freely available as possible right? I know that some people give away PLR and that’s something I could always consider in the future, but for now giveaway rights are the best way to go, I think, as that way it retains my branding, links, etc and as you said, it will help to spread the word about me.

      I definitely plan on creating more products. I’m already working on a video course and I have a few other ideas in the pipeline too. I think you’re right, once the first one’s done then the next will be easier. I think we often have a tendency to over-think these things but now that I’ve finally got my book done it’s been an important psychological milestone that will help to spur me on somewhat.

      Thanks for your encouraging words, please stop by again soon πŸ™‚

      Kind regards,
      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Four Figures in One Day! Why Not You?My Profile

  4. Hi Glenn

    Congratulations on your new eBook and also on your continued success with Dean Holland.

    I struggled to find out how I could turn off the man talking too. I clicked on him and he stopped talking but I couldn’t find a button to make him go away! It was only after a few seconds that I noticed the button to close him.

    You’re definitely going from strength to strength Glenn! Nice one :-).
    Tim Bonner recently posted…Sometimes Things Don’t Turn Out As You ExpectedMy Profile

    1. Hi Tim,

      It’s strange how the button for the presenter isn’t clearer. I’ve done a lot of testing and it displays perfectly for me across all formats and devices. However I’ve sent a feedback report back to the developers along with some suggestions as to how the interaction could be improved so hopefully any issues should be resolved in the next update.

      Thanks for the congratulations. I decided months ago to write the e-book but then put it on the back burner in favour of doing something else, so guess what? Neither thing got completed! But then I decided to just focus on the e-book and get it done so here we are with a completed e-book.

      It’s certainly great to actually make some money online as a direct result of being in iPro. Dean’s a great teacher and mentor and it’s given me a fantastic boost to carry on, push forward and achieve even more success.

      Thanks for stopping by, Tim, great to see you as always. πŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Four Figures in One Day! Why Not You?My Profile

    1. Hey Jerry,

      Thanks, buddy. I’ve just tried to keep it real and break things down enough but without going too technical. I hope I’ve got the balance right but, at the end of the day, even if it’s not perfect (and I’m sure it isn’t!) it’s another milestone reached and now on to the next, right? I’ve been getting some nice, positive feedback so far so it seems to be doing its job πŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Triberr for Beginners – Finding Tribes & SharingMy Profile

    1. Hi Sue,

      Many thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy the read. I’m glad you like the cover, I’m quite happy with it, especially as I’m a total novice when it comes to making ecovers! πŸ™‚

      There shouldn’t be any issues now. I have a presenter plugin installed that features Todd Gross and I previously had him displaying on every page. Jeevan and Adrienne apparently had some issues with how it was displaying so I’ve made some adjustments as to where and how he appears.

      Thanks again for visiting and commenting, it’s much appreciated πŸ™‚

      Kind regards,
      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…What is Your “Because”? Eliminate Your ObstaclesMy Profile

    1. Hi Sylvaine,

      Many thanks, I hope you enjoy it πŸ™‚ I know what you mean about having a load to get through already – I’m exactly the same!

      Thanks for stopping by, it’s nice to see you here again. πŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Your Business Needs YOU!My Profile

    1. Hey James,

      Thanks, buddy. I hope you enjoy it and it helps. It isn’t a ‘magic bullet’, it’s just me writing about what I know and what I’ve done that works to get me to where I am so far. But if it helps to give people a head start then it’s done its job πŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Four Figures in One Day! Why Not You?My Profile

  5. Hi Glenn,

    You and I are probably at similar levels on our internet marketing journey. I’m hoping to launch my own photography product within the next month to get some experience before I tackle anything in the internet marketing niche.

    I love the way you made full use of the thank you page to deliver your eBook but also introduce your new subscribers to an offer. Look forward to keeping up to date with your progress in IM and hope you do make it big in 2013.

    Mark McKnight recently posted…How To Write A Product Review: My Proven Sample TemplateMy Profile

    1. Hi Mark,

      Great to see you, buddy, thanks for getting hold of my book, I appreciate it very much πŸ™‚

      That’s great that you are hoping to release your photography product, I wish you all the best with that. Photography isn’t my fortΓ© but if I can help in any way feel free to give me a shout.

      I’m glad you like the thank you page. I wanted to combine the three factors of providing the download for my book, giving away some additional content and providing the opportunity to take things to the next level. I wasn’t sure about using this approach at first but I’ve had good feedback so far, so we’ll see how things go.

      Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to seeing your progress too.

      Kind regards,
      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Your Business Needs YOU!My Profile

  6. Congratulations Glenn on the free ebook and I have no doubt you’ll have plenty of success with people getting their hands on this one. I know you’ve got a lot to share.

    I have to agree with Jeevan about the annoying man though. Oh and the button to grab the book is right in the middle of this page and isn’t disappearing so I found it hard to maneuver around to leave my comment.

    Just a few little glitches that can easily be resolved.

    Good luck!

    Adrienne recently posted…DoFollow Or NoFollow: That Is the QuestionMy Profile

    1. Hi Adrienne,

      Thanks for the heads up. The button works absolutely perfectly for me on three different browsers and should disappear easily with one of three actions: 1) the person clicks on it, 2) they click on the cross that’s right above it or 3) they click anywhere else on the page away from it. It’s doing this fine for me so I wouldn’t have known any different. But if it’s not working properly for other people then it will definitely need to be resolved. I’ll pass the info on to the developers.

      Many thanks indeed, Adrienne. I hope all is well with you and I look forward to your next post on your site πŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Four Figures in One Day! Why Not You?My Profile

  7. Jeevan Jacob John

    Congrats, Glenn πŸ™‚ Hope you have success with this πŸ˜‰

    Loved the idea of audio by the way. But, I suggest you reduce the image a bit – it is kind of blocking the content (some might find it annoying – of course, they can easily close it).

    Anyways, good luck with your future products (are you planning to launch new products? Or focusing on list right now?)

    1. Hi Jeevan,

      Thanks for stopping by and for giving your input πŸ™‚

      I am definitely planning to launch further products. I am planning on releasing a video course next and then after that, well, who knows? But I am definitely wanting to release more products as I go and as I learn, all the while trying to build my list too.

      Thanks again for your visit and please keep in touch πŸ™‚

      Kind regards,
      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Four Figures in One Day! Why Not You?My Profile

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