Triberr for Beginners – Finding Tribes & Sharing

Hey everyone,


I thought I’d try something new. This is an eMoneyAvenue first – it’s a blog post that isn’t mine! This comes from Ashley Faulkes and is about the website, Triberr. I thought that his post provides a good synposis about what Triberr is and the basics of using it, so I decided to reblog it here using the Triberr WordPress plugin.




Tribe of peopleTriberr is all about Bloggers helping other Bloggers.

Organised into so called “Tribes”, you share content and your content is shared in return.

The concept it quite sound and seems to work well in practice, but when you are first starting out – finding the right tribe and joining them is the hard part.

So to start off with, here are a few ways to find your first Tribes, especially if you are a beginner.

Finding a Tribe via Bonfires

If you don’t know anyone using Triberr who can recommend you a tribe or even invite you into one, you can try the following technique

  1. Go to the BonfiresΒ section (in the top menu of the Triberr interface)
  2. Find the “Looking for tribes” section
  3. Create a post, highlighting the kind of blogging you do (keep it short, and the title should be something like: Looking for ****** Tribe)
  4. Usually a Tribe Chief will contact you with an Invite, but be patient (a week or more)

Joining Tribes

If you are not having any “beginner’s” luck with the above option, there are a couple of other things you can do to join a tribe.

  1. Check the other Bonfire posts for people looking for Tribemates for their tribe
  2. Find a Tribe on Triberr that you want to join (similar content, great bloggers etc) and get their attention and hopefully get an invite

If you choose option 2, here is what you need to do.

  • First step is “following” the Tribe you want to join. This allows you to see their content, and interact with it.
  • Comment on and share their content, which will gain their attention. The idea is that your interactions will gain the attention of the Chief
  • Hopefully your helpfulness and your website being a good fit for their tribe will then get you an InviteΒ to join the Tribe.

tribe chiefStarting your own Tribe

If you still not receiving any invites, you can always start your own Tribe and be the Chief! Now that sounds like fun right?

It is a harder of course, but at least you control the Tribe – know what people will be posting and who will be sharing your content.

Again you can post in the Bonfires with a thread highlighting the content of your Tribe and ask people to join.

You should also post through your social media network to get people on board too. After all many of your readers will be into similar things, so why not leverage that.

Approving your Tribemates Posts

To “Approve” a post you need to go to the “New Posts” section of the Tribe.

Then you can read the posts and choose which you want to approve – to be helpful Approval is not a big deal, sharing you should be more careful on.

The Quirk: I found when using Chrome, that clicking on approve does nothing, you just need to hover over the icon to approve it.

thumbs upSharing Content

In the Approved Posts section are all the posts you can share out to your network.

Click on the “manually share” link and the options for sharing will come up

Of course this is assuming you have registered your Twitter, Facebook, etc. Triberr needs access to them to share the content!!

Take Aways

Finding a Tribe at first puts many beginners off, as it can take some time. But using the various methods above should get you up and running. Once people notice you, they will start to invite you to other Tribes.

Triberr is a great way to get your content broadcasted, but you need to share others content too. Don’t forget that, or your hard work finding a Tribe will be for nothing.

Is Triberr working for you? Do you have any Tribes you want us to join?


24 thoughts on “Triberr for Beginners – Finding Tribes & Sharing”

  1. Brilliant, Glenn! Thanks for sharing. Now I just need to get over my apprehension in Taking Action, hahaha!

    Incidentally, Blogging is becoming more of a joy than a pain, as I’m going through your Blogging DynamiX course, module by module!

    Tremendously appreciate this.


    1. Hi Susette,

      I’m glad you enjoyed Ashley’s post. It was this post that pretty much ‘demystified’ Triberr for me.

      I’m glad that you’re benefiting from the “Advanced Blogging DynamiX” course and finding that blogging is becoming more of a joy. When you find your rhythm and find that you can blog with less stress, the whole process does become a lot more enjoyable, which is what we want. After all, it makes little sense to be banging away at something that we don’t enjoy, right?

      Thanks for your visit and comment, Susette, always a pleasure and always very much appreciated. πŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Is There Something Missing From Your Strategy?My Profile

    1. Hi Willard,

      Yes, Triberr is an excellent resource for connecting with other bloggers and discovering great content. I think I actually connected with Ashley for the first time through Triberr. I’ve discovered and connected with lots of great bloggers through Triberr.

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…6 Blogging Resources You Need to Visit TodayMy Profile

  2. Christopher James

    So basically Triberr is content syndication? If that’s the case, I want to join.

    1. Hi Christopher,

      Content syndication is a big part of Triberr, yes. I think it’s definitely worth trying out.As I’ve said above, at the very least it’s a fantastic site for networking and increasing your reach. It doesn’t cost anything so if you join and then find that it’s not for you then you haven’t lost anything.

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Are You Sending Your Visitors Away?My Profile

  3. Great post, Glenn.

    I admit, I’m still not really getting the “whole” Triberr thing. I’ve created an account and attempted to use it but can’t really see the benefit in it other than syndicating your content, And even then it doesn’t seem that anyone is really going to your site and interacting. I’m not saying that there isn’t value in Tribber, I’m just not seeing it yet.

    I plan to investigate it further and see if I can extract the value and begin using it to it’s full potential. I appreciate you sharing your tips and experience with us, though.

    This is my first time visiting your blog, Glenn and I’m loving what I’ve seen and read so far, I’ll be sure to share this with my social circle. I’ll also be sure to comment and share it with the BizSugar community,

    Keep the great content coming and I look forward to connecting more wihth you soon.

    Ti Roberts recently posted…[VIDEO] TRTT Episode #7 – Should You Swap Guest Posting For Paid Advertising? (subscriber questions answered)My Profile

    1. Hello Ti,

      Welcome to my blog and thanks so much for your kind words and input πŸ™‚

      I think that the potential of Triberr is perhaps greater than the actuality. So far, I feel that the downside is that the majority of sharing is done via Twitter, which can certainly be a viable means of sharing content but, unfortunately, tweets can have a very short ‘shelf life’. But even if I get my content shared through just a few Facebook and Google+ likes then it will be worthwhile to me.

      As I’ve already mentioned in the thread, I’ve been able to find some great, informative content through Triberr and some excellent bloggers whom I perhaps wouldn’t have otherwise discovered. Thus, my network has expanded and my reach has been furthered just on that basis alone.

      Just like anything, Triberr surely won’t be for everyone but for those that do make use of it it certainly has its benefits.

      Thanks again for your comment and I look forward to connecting with you again πŸ™‚

      Kind regards,
      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Five Tips for Taking ActionMy Profile

  4. I have been looking into joining Tribe as they do have a free version, The only thing that stops me at the moment is that you need to use only wire and there are fees attached to that.
    Having read the post here i do think i should go back and investigate further.
    thanks for the info.Blogging to success

    1. Hi Shelley,

      Thanks for visiting, nice to have you stop by πŸ™‚

      Are you referring to TribePro? You certainly don’t need to use Onlywire with Triberr (I hadn’t even heard of Onlywire prior to your comment!)

      I’d strongly recommend looking into Triberr. Even if you find that you don’t like it for whatever reason, at the very least it’s a great resource to discover new bloggers and great content.

      If you need any help or more info just give me a shout. Equally I’m sure that you could contact Ashley, who wrote this post, as he’s quite knowledgeable and I’m sure he’d be happy to fill in any gaps for you πŸ™‚

      Kind regards,
      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…What is Your “Because”? Eliminate Your ObstaclesMy Profile

      1. Hi Glenn, Thanks for the insight here. Yep good old blondie got them mixed up.I was looking at Tribe Pro, Thanks to you i am now looking at Triberr.
        It is great to have people like you by my side to help and encourage.
        Great job on your blog it is very easy to read and understand and most importantly it is enjoyable.
        Thanks for your help.
        To your success

        1. Hi Shelley,

          It’s an easy mix-up, after all the names are very similar!

          If I can help and encourage then I shall do so, I’m always happy to help out when and if I can. After all, we’re in this together. πŸ™‚

          Thanks for your kind words about my blog, I’m glad that you find it enjoyable and easy to read. I hope people will feel the same way about my products when I get them out there! πŸ˜‰

          Glenn Shepherd recently posted…How to Remove Gmail TabsMy Profile

  5. Hi Glenn,

    Great post about Triberr, thanks for sharing! I joined Triberr not too long ago, but didn’t really start looking into it till I read this post. I am also a member of the Bloggers Roadmap Tribe, which has some well known bloggers and constantly great content that is being shared. After looking into it a bit more, I believe the potential of Triberr is great, and it is a very good way to expand your reach and get your posts out there πŸ™‚

    All the best,
    Navid Moazzez recently posted…Define Your Definite Major PurposeMy Profile

    1. Hi Navid,

      It certainly does appear that a lot of people aren’t completely sure about what to do with Triberr, even once they’ve signed up. But thanks to this awesome guide from Ashley it seems that it’s helped give some valuable pointers, it certainly has done for me.

      At the very minimum I’ve discovered some great bloggers with awesome content that I can learn from or share with others. I’m really enjoying using Triberr so far πŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…What is Your “Because”? Eliminate Your ObstaclesMy Profile

    1. Hi Robin,

      When I first came across Triberr I thought that it sounded like a great tool but once I’d signed up it was a bit of a mystery to me, too!

      It was only after coming across Ashley’s article (on Triberr!) that it became clear. Now it all seems pretty straightforward and I’m really enjoying using it. Plus, it’s free so there’s really nothing to lose in giving it a try.

      Thanks so much for dropping by and leaving a comment πŸ™‚

      Kind regards,
      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…What is Your “Because”? Eliminate Your ObstaclesMy Profile

  6. Hi Glenn,

    Triberr seems to be croping up everywhere I go recently.

    I did join some time ago but did not find it easy to find my way around. The tribes I joined did not seem to have many members and nothing seemed to be going on.

    This post has spurred me on to take another look at it. I think I will have to create another account for my health niche blog as I can’t see how I can add more than one blog on my profile.

    Which tribe or tribes do you belong to? Perhaps I can do a search inside.

    Thanks for posting that useful article.

    Sandy Halliday recently posted…5 Content Marketing Strategies for Bloggers To Boost TrafficMy Profile

    1. Hi Sandy,

      Thanks for your comment, I hope all is well with you πŸ™‚

      I think the potential of Triberr is huge. Like anything else, it’s dependent on what people put in as to what you get out of it. But it’s free so it can’t do any harm to give it a go, especially if it means you’re able to expand your reach, even if just a little.

      If nothing else, you can discover some great bloggers with awesome content. It takes a lot of the work out of searching for them as they’re already there, the content is fresh and you can get an idea straight away from your feed as to which posts interest you.

      I’m only a member of one tribe so far: Bloggers Roadmap Tribe which is presided over by Tim Bonner and contains some well-known bloggers such as Dan Sumner and Adrienne Smith. I regularly discover some great content from this one tribe alone.

      Let me know if I can help you with it at all, Sandy. I’m still getting used to it myself but I’m always happy to help, as you know πŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…You Have the Knowledge!My Profile

    1. Hey Jerry,

      I hadn’t heard of Tribe Pro but after reading your comment I took a look and yes, it does appear like the same concept but for a monthly fee.

      I’ve only just got started with Triberr but have already seen a few of my posts get shared after only a few days using it. As you say, the reciprocity needs to remain intact but that’s the importance of being part of a good Tribe. There are limits as to how many people can be members so the tribe chiefs are usually pretty on the ball if someone isn’t getting involved and they’ll make sure that room is made for someone who will.

      If nothing else, I’ve already discovered some great new bloggers and awesome, informative content, so for free (and free exposure!) it’s really cool. I’ve already noticed some of the big-hitter bloggers on board with it.

      Thanks for commenting Jerry, always appreciated, buddy πŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Your Business Needs YOU!My Profile

  7. Neamat Tawadrous

    Hi Glenn,

    This is really a timely post for me as I wanted to join Triberr from a while ago and I was just putting it off but this post really reminded me.

    Thanks Glenn for sharing these tips, I am sure I will make use of them.

    Be Blessed,


    1. Hi Neamat,

      I signed up for Triberr about a month or so ago but didn’t get around to working out how to use it. When I finally decided to log in again to try to get my head around it I came across this excellent post from Ashley that helped me a lot. I think Triberr is still largely unknown, yet it looks to be an amazing tool.

      Thanks for your return visit, Neamat πŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Your Business Needs YOU!My Profile

    1. Hi Ashley,

      Thanks for stopping by. You’re right, there is so much to learn and sometimes we don’t get the full benefits of something because we give up on it due to feeling overwhelmed or confused.

      When I first signed up for Triberr I could certainly see the potential but wasn’t entirely sure what to do with it next. I’m sure that I’m not alone in this so when I came across your helpful guide I thought that it would definitely be good to help get the info out there. I hope it helps a little towards raising awareness of you and your blog too πŸ™‚

      I’ve bookmarked your blog so I shall definitely be visiting regularly, plus I’ll be sure to check out your content via the Triberr stream of course.

      All the best,
      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…$2000 in 60 Days Challenge ResultsMy Profile

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