live events

Live Events Can Be Life-Changing Events

Live Events Can Be Life-Changing Events


Hello, my valued readers!

Firstly, I must say that I’m rather surprised that I haven’t posted for two weeks. I could have sworn that my last post was just a week ago, but evidently not. Secondly, I want to give you some feedback from Dean Holland’s very first solo live event that I attended in Manchester, UK last weekend.

Two Days of Solid Instruction


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Dean Holland on Stage Talking About ‘The Wishing Well’

This is now the third Internet marketing event I’ve attended and I know I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again: you really need to get to one of these if you haven’t done so.

Whilst it’s true that they can all differ in content and quality, one thing remains constant – the networking. But more on that later.

The very first event I attended was quite small and, although all the speakers delivered some great content, it was very much a platform for them to pitch their offer in the last 15 minutes or so. Now, I’m not saying that’s a bad thing necessarily, but if you’ve witnessed this yourself then you may be like me in thinking, “I wonder what all this is leading up to?” Again, it’s not necessarily a bad thing but I think the danger this presents is that the speaker can be thinking more of, “How can I present this in a way that builds up to my offer?” rather than, “How can I present some mind-blowing content that will help those in attendance?”

The next one I attended was a larger scale event and although many of the speakers naturally took the opportunity to make an offer, there didn’t seem to be so much of that and the overall quality of the presentations was outstanding. Plus, I finally got to see the man who I attribute as being responsible for giving me that first ‘lightbulb’ moment with regards to Internet marketing, Alex Jeffreys.

Dean’s was different again. While he did make an offer (and an extremely good one at that!) right at the very end of the two days, he completely overdelivered with his content and gave people a complete blueprint that they could take away and take action upon. Even for those who weren’t absolute beginners, there were things that many of us found that we could take away and apply, one attendee actually going away on the Saturday night, applying a particular strategy and experiencing positive results by the very next day! Talk about taking action and getting a result, eh?

The Power of Networking


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A Very Tired-Looking Me At Our Evening Networking Function

The value of networking opportunities at events like this really cannot be overstated. In fact, Dean highlighted this on the Saturday when he asked us to just take a moment to look at the person sitting to each side of us and to introduce ourselves. Long-term, profitable relationships can be born from situations just like that and simply connecting with the person next to you can lead to all sorts of things.

While I didn’t form any bonds with anyone sitting directly next to me, I did take the opportunity to connect with a couple of Marketers with a view to working on something with them in the very near future. But more about that in the future… 😉 As always, subscribing to receive my e-mail updates and following me on social media will ensure that you are among the first to know of the various wonders that I have in store!

iCame, iSaw, iMet iPro-ers!


What was really good about this event was having the opportunity to finally meet in person many of my fellow iPro members with whom I’ve only ever chatted online. I actually met up with two of them – John Lee and Richard Burn – in the venue restaurant on the Friday night before the event. Whilst tying to locate said restaurant I also ran into Dean Holland, Craig Crawford and Dan Briffa in the bar (where else would Internet Marketers be? lol!).

I eventually tracked down John and Richard and it was great to be able to spend some time with them talking about our various online marketing experiences, ideas, tips, resources and plans for the future. Sure, you can do this over things like e-mail, social media or even on video conferences or the phone. But nothing beats actually sitting down and brainstorming in person. We also stumbled across fellow iPro-er, Gary Abela. I first met Gary at Steve Foley‘s marketing event last year before he had joined us in iPro.

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The Man Himself. And Dean Holland… Hehe! 😛

On the Saturday I again, of course, met up with John and Richard but it was also good to see additional faces, old and new. It was nice to see iPro member, Carl Picot, and to also meet another iPro member for the first time, Frasser Beecroft.

It turns out that there were some iPro members there whom I didn’t get chance to meet, but I’m sure there will be further opportunities down the line. I did meet the lovely Richard Seaton and Averil Davies though and spent much time discussing Internet marketing, iPro, life and music (my big passion!).

After a day of awesome, solid content, we had the opportunity to relax and network in the evening. It was a bit of a shame that not more delegates took advantage of this invaluable opportunity, but those who did were able to benefit from sharing one another’s tips and strategies and benefiting from their respective experience and expertise.

It was here that I met SEO expert, John Robbins. I’d heard John as a guest speaker on one of our private iPro webinars last year and the tips he gave were like gold dust. Talking to him in person I was again able to benefit from his vast knowledge and expertise. Whilst it’s true that I don’t overly concern myself with SEO, I picked up a few tips from John that could certainly prove useful.

Sunday brought us more of the same. Now, I have to be honest and say that being someone who has the benefit of Dean’s mentorship and coaching, I wasn’t expecting to hear a large amount of information that was new to me. While this was partly true, I did find myself taking note of a number of  ‘gold nuggets’ over the weekend, especially on the Sunday. Dean was on fire and the value of the things he was teaching was insane.

At the end of the event I connected with even more Marketers, including Simon Stanley and Phil Ainsworth. Phil had actually been our compère over the weekend, but I didn’t get around to actually meeting him until right at the very end. Likewise with another iPro-er, Ulrika Stenmark. We had delegates travel from all over the world to attend the event and Ulrika herself had come from Sweden. It was just a shame that I didn’t manage to meet her until I was literally on my way home!

Wrapping Things Up


I hope you enjoyed my little synopsis of the weekend. Maybe it’s whetted your appetite to attend an event like this yourself, if you haven’t already? I sure hope so, as it’s been proven time and again with so many people that live events really can be life-changing events. Dean Holland experienced it, Alex Jeffreys experienced it and so many more people have too. I look forward to see what ends up transpiring from this one!

What about you? If you’ve been able to attend any, what have you enjoyed about live events? If you haven’t yet attended one, what is it that you are looking forward to the most? Please leave your comments below and click away on those lovely share buttons! 🙂

One last task for the end of Dean’s event was to get a few more piccies. So I shall leave you with a few of them to conclude:

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iPro Partners (from L to R) Frasser Beecroft, Richard Burn, Gary Abela and John Lee


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Me, Frasser, Richard and Gary joined by Marketer and event organiser, Steve Foley


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Me, Frasser, Richard, John, Gary and Steve


Click Here to Learn More About Me

Glenn is a Certified iPro Platinum Partner

12 thoughts on “Live Events Can Be Life-Changing Events”

  1. Well you UK folk. I’m just a little jealous that I wasn’t able to join you guys. Sounds like you fellows rocked and got a lot of valuable content in the process. I have yet to get to a Live Internet marketing event but I will soon do it. Hopefully in the next month or so. Looking forward to making new connections and building relationships or possible JV opportunities.

    Thanks for the post Glenn ol buddy and keep it moving. Talk soon.
    Jerry Handy recently posted…The Key To Writing The Best Ad For Your Paid Media CampaignsMy Profile

    1. Hey Jerry,

      Great to see you, my man! Yeah, it’s a shame you couldn’t join us, it would have been fantastic to have you here. I do hope you can get to a good event soon as I’m sure you’ll find that it will be beneficial on so many levels.

      Keep on plugging away, Jerry. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Check Out This Big Orange!My Profile

  2. I was already sad I couldn’t make this event Glenn, but your description made me feel a part of the seminar.

    I haven’t attended any events lately. But did enjoy the few I have attended.

    And you can never overstate how important networking is. You never know what friendships you can make, gold nuggets you can glean and what business opportunities you can expose.

    Great Post!


    1. Hi Leslie,

      I’m glad I’ve been able to make you feel part of the seminar. 🙂 It was a really great weekend, I’m sure there are many more to come, especially if what Dean’s been saying recently is anything to go by. 😉

      Yes indeedy, that all-important networking is so, so, so, vital. And I think, too, that even if you don’t see any immediate results from a particular event then this doesn’t mean that the networking wasn’t productive. Seeds have been sown, relationships have been built and exposure has been gained. It’s all good!

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, Leslie. Have a great rest-of-the-week! 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…The Tale of a Newbie Internet MarketerMy Profile

  3. Hi Glenn,

    What an exciting experience you had. The way you wrote it, I feel I was standing there beside you.

    There is nothing better than to meet people we follow in person. Plus, going to an event gives us the opportunity to network with others of the same mindset. I’m sure you came away not only with more knowledge, but more people to engage with.

    Thanks for the great virtual experience!

    donna merrill recently posted…Sidebar BlindnessMy Profile

    1. Hi Donna,

      Wow, thanks for the compliment. 🙂

      Yes indeed, it really is that personal aspect and the networking that makes these things special. I’ve been hearing people say it for ages now and there’s a good reason they keep saying it – it’s because it’s right! And yes, I’ve away with more people to engage with and, not only that, but some with whom I’ll be working on some stuff very soon. 😉

      Thanks for joining me on the virtual experience! 😉

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…How to Avoid Guaranteed FailureMy Profile

  4. It sounds like it was an amazing event and I’m sorry i couldn’t make it. Networking is invaluable, not only for swapping strategies and expertise but alos for the sher energy created by like-minded people for something they love doing. Great to be able to put names and faces together of fellow i-Pro partners.
    Alayna recently posted…Five Internet Marketing TipsMy Profile

    1. Hi Alayna,

      That’s so, so true. The energy can flow through one another at these events and it’s an absolute must to network. This time it was that bit special because of being able to spend time with some of the other iPro Partners and be able to share something that we all have in common, even though we all have differing levels of experience, expertise and differing strategies. Hopefully you’ll be able to experience that for yourself soon. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…How To Be More ProductiveMy Profile

  5. This is a really cool post, because it illustrates perfectly the value of associating with proven success stories and people who believe in the value of SHARING and solidarity. It’s a very interesting energy when those who have trod the path and come out smiling the other side start to share that success with others. yes, I know it doesn’t come free (usually), but boy does it cut through the crap and light up the path ahead. Great stuff, and I was very sorry not to be able to make Dean’s latest in Manchester by the way. Next time, next time…
    Paul Jenkins recently posted…The Importance of CoachesMy Profile

    1. Hey Paul,

      Thanks so much. Yes indeed, sharing and solidarity are what’s needed alright. And associating with like-minded people is invaluable.

      I’m sorry you weren’t able to make it to this seminar, Paul. This is just the beginning of many for Dean, I’m sure. I hope you’re able to get to the next one. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Five Essential Reasons to Attend Live EventsMy Profile

  6. What an amazing introduction to attending seminars. I always wondered if they were just ‘old boys clubs’ or extensions of private forums where everything was under the table and done by winks and secret nods – Masons for Marketers affairs sort of thing. Now I know different and I’ll make every attempt to attend one as soon as possible. Cheers Glenn for this little article.


    Steven Lucas
    Steven Lucas recently posted…What’s Happened In June?My Profile

    1. Hi Steven,

      Thanks so much. I was a little apprehensive about them myself to begin with, not really knowing what to expect. But the more and more I heard Marketers saying that you need to get to them, the more and more I realised how true it was. Having experienced them for myself I truly appreciate the value.

      I hope you can get to one yourself soon. Obviously they’re all going to be different and some will be better than others, but for the me highlight is the networking, which can be done no matter what the rest of the event is like.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, it’s much appreciated. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…WARNING! You Are Being Tricked!My Profile

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