The Tale of a Newbie Internet Marketer
Hi everyone,
Today I’d like to tell you a story.
It’s the story of a man who, many years ago, had a dream.
His dream was to work for himself and to have the freedom that this could bring.
The man didn’t know how he was going to do it, only that somehow, some day, he was going to do it.
So he began thinking, searching, trying to figure out some way through which he could make his dream a
He started to read, to study, to examine and to reflect. He accumulated knowledge, he bought report after report, system after system. He considered strategy after strategy.
He battled against indecision. He battled against negativity, both from within and without.
He struggled with doubt. He struggled with frustration. Years went by and he still hadn’t got anywhere.
Then, one day, something changed. Something that was to turn things around and finally give him the break that he needed.
Just a couple of months later, he made his first ever money online. A few weeks later, more money came in.
A few months after that, he had his first four-figure day. Then, a few weeks later, another one.
This is a man who had started with nothing but the experience of many years of failure. However, he didn’t view it as failure as he was able to learn from it and use it.
This is a man who had no prior experience of making money online, mailing lists, blogging, getting traffic, social media marketing, solo ads or any of the myriad other things that are often associated with Internet business.
Yet, this is a man who has now learned about all those things and more. He is still on his journey and he still has lots more to learn, but he is constantly moving forward and getting ever closer to achieving that dream that has been in his heart for so many long years.
That freedom that he’s been yearning for is finally so close that he feels that he can almost touch it.
That man will soon be starting another chapter in his story.
That man is me.
What Made the Difference?
So how did I go from years (and I mean years!) of getting nowhere to being able to build a WordPress blog, start a mailing list, drive traffic, use social media marketing, use solo ads, make my first ever money online and get four-figure days?
I got myself a coach and mentor.
While it’s true that my first “A-ha!” moment came a little before this point, it is through getting a coach and mentor that I have been able to really gain traction and drive myself forward, achieving things that I probably wouldn’t have without his help and guidance.
I really can’t emphasise enough just how much of a difference it can make to have the support and coaching from someone who has been through what you have been through, has achieved the results that you desire to achieve and will teach you, not only what, but how to implement what he did.
What About You?
What stage are you at right now?
Are you struggling?
Would you like to improve upon the results that you’re currently getting?
Would you like the benefit of learning from the same person who has been teaching me?
Now before you think, “Okay, I feel a pitch coming on…”, let me just say that yes – I am going to direct you to something. But this is something that I have actually been through, learned from and applied myself and is something hugely affordable. I’ll give you the link in a moment.
Before you check that out, I want to alert you to a special bonus that I am offering. This is something that I have never done before and, I have to be honest, it’s something that will require me to step out of my comfort zone a little.
While it’s true that what I am going to reveal to you shortly is more than enough to help you to succeed and that also you will gain access to a community of like-minded and successful individuals who can help you, I want to go one step further and offer you something that is not included in the below offer.
What I am going to offer you is this:
If you take advantage of this offer by buying through my link below, I will offer you one month exclusive access to me personally. What this means is, if at any point you get stuck with anything as you work through the course, you can contact me and you will receive priority assistance from me personally. So, we can talk directly through e-mail, Facebook, a Google Hangout, Skype, phone – whatever way is most convenient (and of course possible).
So if there’s anything that you’re not clear on, anything that you’re having difficulty with, any questions you may have or even if you feel like you need a pep talk – you will get exclusive, priority help from me.
“Sounds great, Glenn! I want to learn from a millionaire and to have your personal help too! How do I get in on this fantastic offer?”
Why, I’m so glad you asked! All you need to do to take advantage of this special, exclusive offer, is buy through the link below and, once you have purchased, send me a copy of your receipt to my support desk here by clicking here.
I know you’re excited to get going, so just click on the banner below to start the ball rolling:
I look forward to working with you and seeing you progress on your own journey as we work towards that goal of freedom together. 🙂
As always, I’d love to get your feedback. How did you enjoy my little story? If you are successful already or have started to find success, what was it that turned things around for you? Please leave your comments in the thread below, I’d really love to hear from you.
As for the rest of you, I hope to see you on the inside!
P. S. I will have to place some kind of a limit on this offer, so I’m making it available for a full 30 days. After that, you will still be able to purchase the course, but I won’t be offering the personal assistance.
So go ahead and get in now while the offer is live and also while the course is at the crazy, low price that it is – I have been told that it won’t be at this price indefinitely.
Hello Glenn: I am very impressed by what you’ve done here…very attractive and fun.
Mine, on the other hand, is too serious. But that’s my basic nature–oh well.I like so much of what you say on your posts. And you haven’t had to struggle as long as many of us have done. Yay!! But that’s all over because we are part of iPro now, with Dean as our fearless leader. Great job!! Anne P.S. If you visit my blog, when you visit my blog,you’ll see that I totally agree about coaching and mentoring.
Anne Uemura recently posted…Is Coaching Essential for Online Success?
Hi Anne,
I must apologise for not replying sooner! I usually reply quite quickly but unfortunately you appear to have slipped through the cracks. I’m sorry!
Thanks so much for your comment though, I do appreciate it. Thanks for the compliments, I’m glad you like my blog. I don’t think I’ve actually visited yours yet – again, my bad! I really need to catch up with my blog visiting and am trying to do so, bit by bit.
Thanks again and I’ll see you on your blog!
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Live Events Can Be Life-Changing Events
Hi Glenn,
Loved the story and the blog layout too, very professional and the graphics are fun.
Having the right coach IS important, but finding the right coach just isn’t as easy as it sounds.
Right now they all seem to be promoting blogging as the way forward and all in the IM niche too. 🙂
Catherine recently posted…Beginning Blogging With WordPress
Hi Catherine,
Welcome to my blog and thanks so much for stopping by. I’m glad you enjoyed the story and you like my layout, thanks for the compliments. 🙂
You’re right, finding the right coach isn’t always easy. Not just because some coaches are better than others but also because you have to find the coach that’s a good match for YOU. Someone who’s a perfect fit for one person may not be right for someone else because we all relate to different people in different ways.
It’s important to always do your due diligence before choosing a coach and choose someone with whom you feel comfortable and to whom you can relate. I count myself very fortunate to have found Dean Holland and cannot emphasise enough just how much he’s helped me.
There’s a reason why so many are promoting blogging as the way forward – it works! 😉 That being said, blogging on its own is not enough. Well, not unless you’re John Chow! lol! But my advice is to have a blog as your ‘base’ and work out from there. That way, you can diversify somewhat and you’ve always got somewhere where people can come to find you and where you can connect with people. And the beauty of it is that it’s universal, it doesn’t have to be in the IM niche.
Thanks again for visiting and commenting, Catherine. I hope you have a great rest-of-the-week and I hope you’ll stop by again. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…One Magic Number to Increase Productivity
Congratulations on your success. Hard work and having the right resources really go a long way.
Dan Brusca recently posted…
Hi Dan,
Many thanks. You’re absolutely right, there is really no substitute for hard work. Having the right resources make an enormous difference, especially when you have a good mentor/coach.
Thanks for visiting and commenting. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…How to Avoid Guaranteed Failure
Hi Leslie,
Well well, you’re just too perceptive, hehe! 😉 I’m glad you enjoy my little tale.
You’re so right, it’s getting the right coach that is key. Unfortunately some people get a bad coach or someone to whom they just don’t relate and they allow this to put them off entirely. The important thing is to keep going and find someone who can really help you.
I’m glad you’ve found a coach who’s giving you the help you need. It sounds like you’re making good progress, which is the main thing.
Thanks for your visit and comment. You have yourself a great weekend. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…The Great Traffic Illusion
Hey Glenn,
I confess I knew the post was about you from the beginning :-). But I love it.
Getting a coach has definitely had an impact on me as well. I’m working through my own IM journey. And I have to tell you I have been through a few coaches. But getting the RIGHT coach, that you can relate to, makes all the difference.
And although I am early in my coaching program, I am already farther along then I have been before over the past 6 years.
The bonus you offer is just the icing on the cake. Being able to talk to someone direct makes a huge difference. You are going to make success stories with your kind offer.
Good luck and here’s to your continued success!
Hi Glen,
The presentation made me to really read through, with the aim of discovering who that man was!!..and it was you.
Anyway, I think one of the ways to easily achieve success is to have a mentor, someone to guide and give expert advise.
I see you as a mentor and have since subscribed to your newsletter.
James recently posted…Top 10 recommended best wordpress Food themes
Hi James,
Wow, I’m honoured! Thanks so much! If I can help other people, be an inspiration and motivate them then I’m definitely on the right track.
I’m glad you enjoyed my little story. It’s a very brief overview of my experiences but I just came up with the idea to do something I’ve never done before and see how it goes. Seems to be going well so far. 🙂
Thanks very much for stopping by and for your awesome comment. I hope your week is going well.
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Ten Must-Visit Bloggers
Hi Glenn,
I know the deal very well. I was floundering myself with a blog until….. I hired a coach! I was able to create my first product with this and man..It was worth every cent! He got me going every day on a schedule that was quite intense. But in the end Viola! Product complete.
Then there was the sales funnel coach I hired. Pretty expensive but worth the knowledge of how to market correctly. Oh yea..the other coach was setting up a membership site that will be rolling out soon.
Marketing is the key and without a coach whipping you into shape, it will take a long time to do it. To run a business we must invest in it.
donna merrill recently posted…Facebook Is A Marketer’s Dream
Hi Donna,
You’re so right. Any business always require some kind of investment, whether it be monetary, time or whatever. And one of the most important and effective investments we can make is in ourselves. I know that many fear of taking the plunge in investing in a coach but it can really pay dividends, as you have found.
Thanks for sharing your experiences, Donna. Always great to see you, thanks for stopping by and have a great rest of the week. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Seven Silly Mistakes That Could Be Killing Your Business
Hey Glenn,
Congratulations my friend and I think so many people can relate to your earlier struggles. I was one of those people although I’ve still to make four figure days. That’s okay, I’m supporting myself so I must be doing something right! 😉
I do agree though that a lot of breakthroughs come when you work with a coach and/or mentor. We see other people having results but obviously we don’t have all the steps we need to take to get to that same place.
I’m so happy for you and I hope that you have plenty of people take you up on your offer. I’m going through some training right now, I enrolled in Marie Forleo’s B-School so I’ve got that mentoring as well and it’s SO worth it. Breakthroughs are still being made and four figure days will be here soon!
Best of luck to you Glenn and I’ll share this with my friends too. Hope you get more takers.
Adrienne recently posted…Why Blogging Relationships Always Win Over Traffic
Hi Adrienne,
I’m sure you’re doing lots right! But yes, having a mentor or coach can make all the difference. Many people have one coach after another or even multiple coaches at once. But so long as it doesn’t cause distraction or overwhelm, that’s good. It shows we recognise that we need help in a certain area and we’re prepared to take on board guidance from someone who knows that bit more than we do.
Many thanks, Adrienne. As always I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your thoughts. I hope your week’s going well.
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…One Thing You Should Know About Joint Ventures
Congrats Glenn! Stepping out of your comfort zone and getting coaching change your career path instantly. I made serious breakthroughs recently by giving into uncomfortable but freeing acts each day, like writing pillar style posts, leaving poor quality tribes and focusing more heavily on personal development before I turned on my laptop each day. A little bit of uncomfort can create a world of growth.
The key is to embrace the feeling, and keep going, instead of cowering from the uncomfortable energies. We can do it. We really can, if we know why we want to prosper online. I love my freedom. Being free means the world to me, and traveling, and living in paradise, so I have few issues being a bit uncomfortable for moments, to live my dreams.
Tweeted through Triberr Glenn!
Hey Ryan,
Thanks so much, buddy.
You’re so spot-on there. I think of stepping outside of your comfort zone as being a bit like working a muscle. You need to push it and work it just a little bit and you’ll find that eventually you’ve developed and expanded much more than you maybe even realised.
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your awesome comment. Have a fantastic week! 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…How To Be More Productive
Hey Glenn,
Great post you wrote there buddy, I really enjoyed reading it. An I.M autobiography and a different approach to writing an article, I think it really worked well!
I could see the similarities as I was reading it, however, having said that it wasn’t predictable as I thought you were going to say something else, which gives me an idea for my next post 🙂
Thank you again for an enjoyable post!
Best regards
John Lee recently posted…BCB The Big Commission Blueprint and iPro Partner Program
Hey John,
Many thanks, glad you enjoyed it. Glad I threw you a little but, in turn, gave you an idea for your next post. I’m definitely looking forward to reading that!
Doing this post has given me some ideas too, for future strategies, articles, products, posts, etc. I approached everything to with it from a completely different angle and I’m actually a little taken aback by what I’ve discovered! I can’t really elaborate here as it would be whole other post on its own! 😀
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. I hope life’s treating you well and that you’ve had a good weekend. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…The Great Traffic Illusion
Hi Glenn,
I enjoyed your little story and loved the little images you put up along with it. 🙂
Yes, we all go through ups and downs in life, but that learning experience is something worthwhile. Every fear, every failure and every down moments teaches us something in turn and often turns to be our stepping stone to success.
Although I am not into marketing of any kind, but I can well relate being a write because we also have such phases, but it’s with will-power and determination you move ahead, and things happen, especially to those who believe.
I wouldn’t say I am all that successful to earn in a lot of figures, but it’s enough and I am happy. Yes, I need to concentrate more on my blog now and perhaps think of earning a little from it too, something which wasn’t on my mind till now.
Thanks for sharing a part of you with us. Have a nice weekend 🙂
Harleena Singh recently posted…6 Time Saving Tips to Avoid Being Overworked [Infographic]
Hi Harleena,
Lovely to see you, thanks for stopping by. 🙂
You’re right, all those things that we may view as being negative at the time can be turned around and used to be something positive if we can learn from them.
If you can monetise your blog I think it would definitely be a good idea. A lot can depend on what your goals are and what the ultimate purpose of your blog is. But if it makes sense to monetise it then I’d say go for it!
I hope you’re keeping well and having a good weekend. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Make Money Online – Can You Do It?