19 thoughts on “Proven Engagement Techniques That Work”

  1. Hi Glenn,
    It’s the joy of every blogger to see some level of engagement on articles posted on his or her blog, most times we try too hard like you said in order to get traffic and engagement, my take on getting traffic and engagement is this, for a new blog, the primary aim should be providing excellent and quality content, then reaching out to other established bloggers in the same niche to help share your content and say one or two good things about your blog.

    This means you must build solid relationships and if your content is not up to scratch then nobody will be willing to stick his or her neck out for you because their hard-earned reputation is at stake. So the process of getting traffic and engagement boil down to churning out excellent content at all times, even when the traffic is not forthcoming just keep doing the right things and naturally everything will fall in place, there is no magic to getting traffic and engagement, it’s something that comes naturally by consistently and diligently working hard.
    Obodo Charles recently posted…How To Use Live Streaming To Increase Website TrafficMy Profile

  2. Hi Glenn,
    Awesome share ! really you have shared all working tips for engage with more readers and visitors on your blog. as i am new to your blog and found this helpful post so now i am your regular reader and will read mostly all share by you.
    as commenting on other’s blog is also very helpful for fast engagement .
    Thanks 🙂
    Siddharth Sharma recently posted…Wondershare TunesGo for iOS: Best iTunes AlternativeMy Profile

    1. Hi Siddarth,

      Welcome to my blog. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

      Engagement with one’s visitors, readers, subscribers and customers is absolutely essential. The quality of the relationships that build up can be far stronger than those built from people who simply stumble across a business in the search engines and then build their relationship solely on the product. When the genuine, personal element is included it takes things onto a whole other level.

      Thanks for stopping by and comment. I hope you’re having an awesome weekend. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…3 Essential Elements to Successful PositioningMy Profile

  3. Glenn, Thank you for sharing this great and informative information. Most of what you have said I do try and do consistently like being myself, posting comments on other blogs, offering advice without any hard sell etc.
    As this is a new venture for me all advise is taken in as I try to learn something new every day (time permitting).
    Adrienne’s post was really good and although it was a bit long I felt engaged all the time and didn’t click away – proves the point!!
    Thanks again.
    Gill Watkins recently posted…Is Internet Marketing For You?My Profile

    1. Hi Gill,

      Welcome to my blog! 🙂

      You’ll find that you have to navigate the learning curve, especially at the beginning. But if you stick with it, it will get easier and you’ll get the momentum. 🙂

      Adrienne always posts excellent content, she’s one of the big kahunas in the blogging world, I strongly advise paying close attention to her!

      I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I’ll be sure to head on over to check out your blog too. Thanks for visiting and for leaving your great comment! 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…How to Know When to Ditch Your TeacherMy Profile

  4. Wow, Glenn this is what I call an epic post. You are truly a master at your craft my friend 🙂

    Engagement is certainly the Mother’s milk for any blog that’s to be taken seriously and your blog is 100% proof of that concept. You actually do what you write about and I for one can tell that it is genuinely “You” and not just some curated content.

    Keep being the example…

    Terry Henry
    Terry Henry recently posted…4 cool tips on how to write great blog postsMy Profile

    1. Hey Terry,

      Many thanks for your kind words, I’m truly flattered! 🙂

      I love that analogy, that engagement is the mother’s milk for a blog that’s to be taken seriously. That’s so right and yes, it’s something I have seen to be beneficial for my blog, as well as many, many others who implement it. The ones who struggle with their blogs are usually the ones who don’t engage with their audience, whether it be on their own blogs, others’ blogs or both. In any case, engagement is vital.

      Thanks for your visit and awesome comment, Terry. And thanks especially for the encouragement. 🙂 You have yourself a great week, my friend. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Are You an Expert in Your Field?My Profile

  5. Hey Glenn,

    Well bless your heart, I’m so very touched. I’m sorry I’m just now getting over here. Linda told me you’d mentioned me in this post but I was offline all weekend relaxing and I totally unplugged. That means today has been hectic but I had to stop by and thank you.

    So there we go again, someone just trying to “make things easy” for others. No one can say whether or not a post will go viral. That’s not up to us, that’s up to our audience. But what good is one post? I’ve never understood that but I guess people feel their blog will get the attention they feel it deserves and from there they’ll become celebrities or something. Well if you can’t continue to deliver that same type of content time and time again then it’s all in vain. Oh, but it better be yours to begin with which of course is exactly what these people aren’t teaching. Shame on them.

    The most important lesson I’ve learned since being online is that everything takes time. So since we have to take certain action steps every single day, why not do the ones that will eventually get us the best results right! Don’t you think when you have a loyal following that they’ll continue to shout your name to everyone they know and support you along the way? That’s what loyal fans will do which will end up getting you the attention we all know we deserve and that’s what will help us grow our business that will last.

    Just getting tons of traffic to our blog and lots of shares but we all know that most people are probably not reading the posts and from what you shared here, they’re not voicing their opinions. Well I’d rather only have 100 visitors a day and all of them leave me a comment then thousands who probably just came to my blog and bounced right back off.

    We’re here to build a lasting business so doing quick fixes isn’t going to cut it. I’m so glad you pointed this out and used me as an example. Thank you again Glenn, I’m so very touched.

    I hope you had a terrific weekend and your week started off well. Mine sure did. 😉

    Adrienne recently posted…How To Make Those All Important ConnectionsMy Profile

    1. Hi Adrienne,

      There’s absolutely no need to apologise! I’m glad that you were able to spend some time unwinding. We all need that from time to time!

      The one thing I didn’t actually mention in the post was that the giveaway was from a very well-known and respected Marketer. Now, I recognise that he clearly knows a lot of his stuff and, at the end of the day, who am I to question him? But, I see things as they are and at times, he does talk twaddle, such as in this instance. Sure, his way may get 100s or 1000s of clicks, but unless those clicks are going to turn into something then what good are they? Just like you, I’d rather have 100 engaged visitors rather than 100s of passers-by who are doing nothing apart from adding to my server load!

      It’s so true that quick fixes aren’t going to cut it, but so many people seem to have difficulty seeing the bigger picture, unfortunately.

      You’re very welcome that I cited you as an example. I am always happy to give credit where credit’s due and, at the end of the day, bloggers need to know of other, top bloggers, so it’s really my duty to let people know about you! 😉

      I hope your week carries on well. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…I’m a Tortoise!My Profile

      1. Hey Glenn,

        I agree, an occasional unwind is good for the soul.

        It’s funny you should mention that because I’ve learned from a few “top well-known marketers” myself and what they shared with me either didn’t work or it was just wrong. Of course I can’t answer for them and I know that not everything works for everyone but that’s a pretty good sign to me that just because they’re well known doesn’t mean they’re always right.

        I’m in agreement though that it’s not about the quantity, it’s about the quality. I was taught a long time ago to do giveaways but all that did was give you a whole lot of freebie seekers and I wasn’t interested in paying for those leads. Yes, with your autoresponder program you will end up paying for dead weight.

        I think that because most aren’t getting great results that they’re always looking for the quick fixes. It’s because of that they’ll never make it to the end I believe. Until they change their way of thinking that is.

        I so appreciate that again Glenn, thank you.

        Adrienne recently posted…Magical Monday: Blog Traffic, Success, Blogging, LinkedInMy Profile

  6. Hey Glenn,

    Good tips. I agree, that it is far more valuable to have a lower number of highly engaged visitors who are interested than have a huge number who does nothing.

    When you talked about checking out the free info offer to help your blog go viral, sounds like they paid a cheap service to send visitors for numbers, much like those “followers” you can get for your Twitter account or FB fan page likes. Again thousands show on the stats, but nothing is happening.

    Engagement is crucial along with consistency. I made that mistake last month while dealing with other issues and sites, neglected my one blog for a few weeks and it showed. Visitors came to look for new content when I would normally post. After not finding it, they left and traffic stats for my site tapered off to almost nothing within that time. Now I’m dealing with building it back up (engagement and CONSISTENCY).

    Thanks for sharing your tips! 🙂
    Michel Snook recently posted…4 Parts to Affiliate Success Step 1My Profile

    1. Hi Michael,

      That’s exactly what I think too. To get that number of visitors without any kind of engagement tells me that something is up with the quality of the traffic.

      Yes indeed, consistency is vital. But not only consistency and engagement on your own blog, but elsewhere too. That side of things can still be done even if you don’t have new content up at your own blog for some reason, thus still bringing you visitors and engagement.

      I hope you’re well, MIchel. Thanks so much for your visit and great comment! 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…The Truth About Shiny Object SyndromeMy Profile

  7. Hi Glenn,

    First of all, I want to thank you for sending me the 131 bloggers post. I tweeted the one’s who left tweets on their content and got a lot of replies through e-mail.

    Adrienne is the master of engagement and the engagement superstar! She is a one of a kind person who shares from the heart. I have so much respect for her. Today is her birthday.

    I’ve never heard of Richard, but now I know him from your post. Sometimes it’s OK to move away from the crowd and do your own thing.

    Targeted traffic is the only way to go and by following those who are successful, we can learn from them.

    You have an awesome weekend!

    Linda Schrier recently posted…Five Ways To Help You With Your BloggingMy Profile

    1. Hi Linda,

      Thank you for letting me know about Glenn’s post. As you know, it was my birthday weekend so I got off somewhat early Friday and didn’t get back online until this morning.

      I really have Glenn to thank for our introduction. I know he mentioned me in one of his posts and you headed over to check out my blog. Because of that we’ve built up a friendship and I think the world of you too. Just glad we connected Linda, you’re one very special lady.

      You’ve probably heard me mention Richard before, he’s awesome and the one that helped me with my product site. He’s so smart and a great blogger. That was an awesome post he wrote for me.

      Thank you my dear, you have a terrific week and you’re the best.

      Adrienne recently posted…Magical Monday: Blog Traffic, Success, Blogging, LinkedInMy Profile

    2. Hi Linda,

      I’m not actually sure of which post you mean! But I’m glad you got value from it, whatever it was! lol!

      Yes indeed, Adrienne is a very special lady. Would you believe that I was actually a little intimidated by her at first? I lurked on her bog for a while before daring to comment! But that’s a whole other story….. 😉

      You know, I’d actually go one step further and say that it’s always okay to move away from the crowd and do your own thing. Of course, you should always do what works, so if that’s what others are doing and getting good results with then it makes sense to implement what works. But you are YOU and no-one else. So it’s perfectly fine to reflect that in what you do and, I believe, you will actually reap the rewards for doing so.

      Thanks for your continued support, Linda, it’s always great to see your comments. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…EMA Podcast 005: “How Do You View Yourself?”My Profile

    1. Hi Thyrone,

      Adrienne really knows her stuff about engagement. A lot of it should be common sense, yet so many fail at it. Adrienne is a great example of how it should be done and also the results that can be seen, such as the number of comments she always gets to her posts.

      Thanks for stopping by and for your comment, much appreciated. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Raiders of the Lost CommissionsMy Profile

      1. Thank you Thyrone and I’m so very happy to hear that you picked up some tips from what Glenn shared. He was so sweet to use me as an example.

        Thank you Glenn and those that know my story know that I’m from Texas and I can talk. Yep, I just have never been able to make things quick and I always seem to have something to say. I think because of that people appreciate that I read their content and voice my honest opinion. I think that’s really what everyone wants right! I know you’re very good at this too and I love how you put you in all of them.

        Thank you again.

        Adrienne recently posted…How To Make Your Content More InterestingMy Profile

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