Make Money Online – Can You Do It?
Hey guys,
How you all doing? I’m doing okay, although I fear that I may be suffering from some muscle pain in the morning!
I decided to try to bring a reclining chair downstairs and make room for it in my living room. Let’s just say that it was a lot harder than I was expecting and, indeed, probably harder than it should have been!
I remember that I managed to get it upstairs and in the bedroom perfectly fine, but alas, this evening’s attempt was destined to be difficult!
The killer moment was when I somehow managed to wedge the thing in the door frame. However, with a bit of grunt work and determination, I managed to get it moving.
Can YOU Make Money Online?
That little anecdote leads quite nicely into the topic that I wish to cover today. Can YOU make money online?
Short answer – yes!
I’ve been watching a few webinars and videos over the last few days and also reading a few e-books, reports, etc. These have all been from a cross-section of Marketers, all of whom I’m sure have very different backgrounds and stories.
I’ve thought about this before but I’ve been reflecting a lot on it again recently, especially looking back at where I was a year ago, how I’ve progressed during the last year, where I am now and what my business plans are, both for the immediate future and further ahead. What I’ve been thinking about is: just what makes me different from the many successful Internet Marketers, coaches, product creators and so forth?
In essence, nothing.
If you learn about these successful people you’ll realise that very few of them had anything outstandingly special about themselves. However, they all had something in common: they had self-belief, they took action and they never gave up. All of those things are things that I can implement.
Indeed, you are no different. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from obtaining the success that you desire. Not really. More often than not, our obstacles are either imagined and placed there by us, or they can be got around. Either way, the power is in our own hands.
What Can Help You to Push Forward?
Something that you absolutely have to have is the proper mindset. In my previous blog post I posted a video from John Chow, in which he quoted Yoda from Stars Wars: “Do, or do not – there is no ‘try'”.
Those are the wisest words from someone that doesn’t exist that I’ve ever heard!
Joking aside, you absolutely have to have a winning mindset. It’s no good thinking, “I’m going to try giving this a go and see what happens”, or “I’ll get around to doing that some day.”
Banish indecision and banish negativity.
As a musician, something that Whoopi Goldberg’s character in the film, Sister Act 2 said always stuck with me. When talking with a girl who wanted to be a singer, Whoopi’s character basically told her that if she woke up in the morning and couldn’t think of anything else but singing then she was supposed to be a singer.
That is how you must view yourself if you want to be successful in anything. You have to view yourself as being what it is that you want to be. Not, “I want to be such-and-such some time in the future.” NOW!
If you want to be a successful Internet Marketer then guess what? That is what you are – you ARE an Internet Marketer! Sure, you may be a beginner, but that doesn’t matter. It’s how you view yourself that is important.
Again, from a musical point of view it takes me back to more than 20 years ago when I was learning to play the guitar. At the very beginning I used to tell people that I was learning to play the guitar. I never said that I was a guitarist. I actually remember thinking to myself, “At what point do I start calling myself a guitarist? At precisely what point does that transition occur?”
I never did pinpoint a specific transition. But I do recall something that my guitar teacher told me and it’s something that has stuck with me ever since in my musical life:
“There is no room for false modesty in show business.”
Now, this doesn’t mean that you should be big-headed or think that you’re something that you’re not. It simply means that you should recognise what you can do and not be afraid to express it. You need to recognise where your talents lie and not be afraid of giving yourself the due credit.
Doing this can go a long way to building your confidence and helping you to have the proper mindset. So, it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner Internet Marketer who’s yet to make their first buck or someone who’s been at it for years and earning millions. If you are marketing on the Internet then you are an Internet Marketer. Once you view yourself like that then you will be much more likely to start viewing yourself as one of the ‘gang’ rather than as an outsider. Sure, you may have a lot to learn, but recognise what you have to offer and never belittle yourself.
A Helping Hand
Now, it’s all very well saying all this stuff, but if you don’t know something then you don’t know it. Not everyone is able to just decide to become a success and then go off and do it on their own. In fact, I would say that very few do. Most people need help in some shape or form, even when they get to the more advanced levels.
Not so long ago I released a free e-book that’s geared towards helping newbies know where and how to start with making money online. In it I talk about the various steps I took to making, not only my very first $1 online but my very first $1000 online!
If you haven’t got hold of it already then what are you waiting for? It’s totally free and you also get giveaway rights, which means you can even use it as a free gift to help build your mailing list.
I am also still working on a free, over-the-shoulder video course that goes a bit further into some of the steps mentioned in my e-book. I’m aiming to get this out any time now. If you sign up to get my e-book then you will be the first to know when the video course is released. 😉
Although I do know my strengths and I am completely confident that I will continue to make progress with my Internet Marketing, I also recognise that I am still learning. There are some excellent teachers out there and I have learned a lot from some of the very best.
Someone who has been instrumental in my progress is Dean Holland. He’s someone who came from the absolute pits of despair but is now hugely successful and climbing upwards all the time. If you are looking for a coach and mentor then I can’t recommend him highly enough.
Just a couple of months or so back, Dean released a brand new course that’s designed to show you a ‘from the ground up’ method to making money online that anyone can do. The feedback has been amazing and, having gone through the content myself, it’s easy to see why. I highly recommend it – just click on the banner below to find out more:
So, what’s left for you to do? Set your goals, take ACTION and don’t give up! Just like me with the chair I mentioned at the beginning, put your back into it, be determined and you’ll get things moving.
What do you think is important to keep motivated and maintain a proper mindset? I’d love to read your comments so please leave them in the thread below.
Until next time,
Glenn “Keeping Motivated” Shepherd
Great stuff man 🙂
And you’re right. There’s really nothing super special about ANYBODY that makes them successful online – or in anything for that matter. Everything is about having the right mental approach as you said “how you view yourself”.
Good post man and congrats on taking great action.
Hi Joey,
Welcome to my blog, it’s great to see you here 🙂
I know that you definitely appreciate the importance of having the right mental approach and taking action. I’m aware of how you’ve applied this yourself and the success you’ve had. Many congrats with that, buddy!
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comment. I hope you have a fantastic remainder of the week.
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…How To Be More Productive
Hey Glenn,
Check you out up there on that stage. Did you play in a band at any time? I bet that was so cool, my brother use to play some.
I don’t recall how long I was online before I made my first sale but I know once I started putting into practice what I had learned I sold my first product my very first week. I was ecstatic. It’s not easy to understand how this is all done but if you have the drive and determination then it’s absolutely 100% possible. I think anyone who is eager to build a better life for themselves should learn how to earn income online.
I’m thrilled for you Glenn and I’m glad you’re open to helping others learn as well, that’s very generous of you and I know whoever reads your report will be happy they did.
Thanks for sharing and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Adrienne recently posted…How To Make Your Blog Unforgettable
Hey Adrienne,
Yep, a guitarist, drummer, singer/songwriter, keyboard player (although only rudimentary), composer, sound engineer – music is in my blood, as they say! And yes, I have always played in a band in some shape or form for around 23 years. I play lead guitar in Agent Wilde. There’s actually a video of us rehearsing on YouTube. It was recorded on a mobile phone and the sound goes out of sync with the video for some reason, but with the exception of a few ‘bum’ notes it’s not too bad!
I’m definitely open to helping other learn. I have a lot of ideas and plans on the horizon regarding this, but for now I have my e-book that’s available and has been getting some good feedback. My video course should follow on from that nicely and hopefully will be the platform for some other irons I have in the fire 😉
Thanks, Adrienne, always a pleasure 🙂 Have a great weekend, my friend.
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…How To Be More Productive
Hi Glenn,
I really enjoyed reading your post. It felt very comfortable, almost like I knew you.
I saw your comment on Adrienne’s blog and had to come over here and check this out.
I figured it this way, if you know her then I should know you.
Thanks for all the great information and you are quite right about never giving up. 🙂
Geri Richmond
Geri Richmond recently posted…Can PLR Be Like An ATM Machine On Your Blog?
Hi Geri,
Nice to see you again. Thanks so much for visiting and for your kind words. I always try to write in a comfortable, conversational manner and always hope that I can connect with more people this way. It’s good to know that it works 🙂
Thanks again, have a great weekend.
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…How To Be More Productive
Awesome that you are encouraging people like that Glenn, it is not an easy world online by any means!
It took me a while to realise my path on the web and now I am going full gas.
have a great one
Ashley recently posted…Affiliate Marketing Tips for Bloggers and Marketers
Hey Ashley my man,
Thanks buddy. I’m all about being encouraging and helpful so if I’m able to accomplish this then all’s good 🙂
I can definitely see that you’re going full gas, buddy! I think you’re headed for awesome things for sure.
Keep steaming ahead!
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Ten Must-Visit Bloggers
Well, I started considering making money (through blogging/internet marketing) only recently…before that I was just blogging for fun. Sure, I did try to make some money to pay for the hosting and domain renewal (And of course, some other things like premium plugins and themes for my blogs).
But, right now, I am serious about this…I am a blogger, a writer and internet marketer, and I do plan to make money online 😀
Love the stories you had here, Glenn 😀 I do believe in the concept of growth mindset – always be willing to grow, believe that we can (Although research has suggested than it’s better to ask ‘Can I do it?’ and say, ‘yes I can’, instead of just saying I can do it – Sort of like Bob the builder does in the cartoon :D).
As for the negativity, well, I prefer using the negativity, instead of just trying to get rid of it (anyways, can we truly get rid of the negative aspects of life? Negative emotions? They will be with us, the key is in learning to control them, right?).
I can use my anger to exercise..or perhaps reflect upon something (maybe why I am angry in the first place…or maybe something related to my life in general).
Anyways, thank you for sharing this, Glenn 🙂 Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
Jeevan Jacob John recently posted…Psst, what’s in your first newsletter email?
Hi Jeevan,
You WILL do it, my friend! Attack it with the right mindset and you’ll do it for sure.
I like your attitude towards negativity, using it rather than simply trying to get rid of it. Whilst it’s true that there are negative things that we can successfully banish from our lives there are other things that remain with us, such as particular experiences or hindrances. However, these only continue to have a negative effect if we allow them to. It’s far better to find a way to use these for our benefit and, as you say, learn to control them.
Thanks so much for your sharing your thoughts, Jeevan.
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Get My Brand New, Free E-Book!
Hey Glenn,
As always fantastic stuff mate.
Persistence, along with the right knowledge and workign with your strengths.
It took me a lot of time to finally identify all my strengths and get to the point where I’m starting to use that to add value to people with different businesses.
It takes a lot of work to initially ‘make’ it, and then it still requires constant learning and growth to stay on top of being on top.
Keep up the great work mate.
Didn’t realise that you are a guitarist too (in addition to having worked in IT. 🙂
Have a fantastic weekend mate. 🙂
Hey Ben,
Thanks, buddy. Yep, we need to KOTOBOT, right? 😉
Yes, I come from a musical family. Even the sewing machine is a “Singer”….. Sorry, I can never resist that one! :-p Seriously though, I do come from a very musical family and I’ve been playing guitar now for about 23 and a half years. I also play the drums, sing, compose and am trained in audio engineering. Believe it or not, I haven’t actually entered that niche yet with my IM, but it isn’t off the table 😉
Thanks for your visit as always, matey. Hope you have a fab weekend too.
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Protecting Yourself on the Internet
Hi Glenn,
Your article is very encouraging! I’ve been trying to make a secondary income on line for about five years now. tried lots of things but it is still a huge learning curve!
I joined Dean’s iPro a few months ago and although I have not made my first four figure day I am constantly working on it. I know I will get there!
thanks for the great article,
Yvonne Ratcliffe recently posted…13 Time Management Skill Tips
Hi Yvonne,
Welcome to my blog, it’s awesome to see you here! 🙂
I’m glad you found my post encouraging, that’s what I was going for.
You will get your first four-figure day for sure, just keep applying what Dean teaches and it will happen for you. Also, as I’m sure you know by now, there are some great members in iPro so if there’s anything you need help or advice with then don’t hesitate to ask in the Facebook group if there’s anything you think any of us can help with.
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. I notice, too that you’ve subscribed to my list and FB fan page, so thanks for that also 😀
Have a great weekend,
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Ten Must-Visit Bloggers
Hi Glenn,
I spent a good 18 months trying to make money online BEFORE I even made my first $1.
Internet Marketing is the ONLY thing in my life that I never give up and boy am I glad I didn’t. Now I work full-time from home doing what I love. In fact, I love it SO much it doesn’t even feel like work. 🙂
From my personal experience making money online is definitely a process that you have to learn. So you must be willing to invest in a mentor or two…
Heck, I’ve had five so far and I expect I’ll invest in more as long as I’m working online.
Anyways, keep up the good work and like you say…don’t ever quit!
Kerry Russell recently posted…How To Remove Malware From WordPress When Your Site Gets Hacked
Hey Kerry,
Great to see you, how’s everything going? Long time, no see!
It’s great that you never gave up on your Internet Marketing as it could have been so easy to do so. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy journey while you were trying to make that first $1, but sticking with it has clearly been worth the effort.
Thanks so much for paying me a visit and sharing your experience. Have yourself a great weekend. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…One Thing You Should Know About Joint Ventures