How to Setup a Gravatar

How to Setup a Gravatar


Hello again!

In my previous post I said that I would be posting again the following day, so here it is. Depending on what part of the world you’re in you may be seeing this the following day but here it’s actually just past midnight. It’s close enough!

So what I want to share with you is how to create a Gravatar.

What’s a Gravatar?

You know those little images that appear by the side of people’s comments on WordPress posts? Those are Gravatars.

Now, it isn’t necessary to have a Gravatar. You’ll even be assigned a default image to your posts if you haven’t set one up. But having your own picture makes your posts much more identifiable and helps towards giving you the impression of professionalism and authority.

It’s very quick and easy to set one up, yet I’ve noticed that a lot of people don’t have one. So I decided to create a little tutorial to walk you through the whole process.



I hope that you found this video helpful. Incidentally, this is little taster from my forthcoming, free video course about how to set up the foundations for your online business from the ground up. All the videos will be like this one in that you will be able to watch me walk you through EVERYTHING, from purchasing a domain name right through to making your very first blog post on your WordPress blog that you will have set up yourself by following my tutorials.

If you want to make sure that you’re among the first to hear about when the course is live, be sure to subscribe by using one of the forms, either the one below or the one in the sidebar to the right.

When you subscribe you’ll get access to my free e-book that chronicles how I went from a struggling newbie to experiencing, not only my first ever sale online, but also my first four-figure day!

You’ll also get some more free gifts, one of which being tailor-made, 7-day training course that I created especially for my subscribers.

I have other stuff in the pipeline too, so make sure that you pop your e-mail address in one of the boxes and hit that subscribe button to ensure you’re kept up-to-date!

Until next week,

About Me
Glenn is a Certified iPro Partner

16 thoughts on “How to Setup a Gravatar”

  1. Hey Glenn, Super video mate on what a Gravatar is much appreciated…I kept looking in WordPress for this thinking where can I add a image Hee! Not thinking it was a separate product, these are little things which you come across, but they sure help…! It sure looks better with a image, now I have to find a good image and add it to my other to stick to the same one for now..!

    Cheers buddy! Chat soon!

    Rich 😉
    Richard Burn recently posted…The Power Of Recurring IncomeMy Profile

    1. Hey Mr B.,

      Looking good, looking good! I’m glad you found this helpful and were able to get your Gravatar sorted. Much better than that little cartoon monster, right? 😉

      Thanks for stopping by, buddy. Catch ya in the group. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Two Top List-Building TipsMy Profile

  2. Hi Glenn,

    Very nice of you to make such a tutorial especially for those who are new and need guidance on how to do it.

    I second Jerry that every blogger who is serious about their business should have a Gravatar and honestly I hardly approve any comment from someone without a gravatar unless I find him/her commenting on the blogs I know well and made sure he/she are not spammers and when I comment back, I make a note for them to put up their gravatar.

    Thanks Glenn for this awesome tutorial.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

    Be Blessed,

    Neamat Tawadrous recently posted…The Golden Rule Guide For Leadership!!!My Profile

    1. Hi Neamat,

      Thanks for your nice comments. 🙂

      As I mentioned, this tutorial is part of my forthcoming beginners’ course, but it was actually an after-thought. I’d planned everything out and got most of the videos done but then realised that a tutorial about Gravatars should be in there so I got to work doing one and, seeing as so many bloggers don’t have one, I thought it would be good to put it on here too.

      It’s good that you keep tabs on who doesn’t have one and suggest to them about getting it. As we know, whether or not it should reflect professionalism is another matter, but the fact of the matter is that it does. A blogger, especially one who is more established, doesn’t give a good impression if they haven’t setup a Gravatar.

      When I first started it was a case of, “Ooo, that’s cool! How on earth do they do that? I want one of those by my name!”. So I set about learning how to do it. But that’s just me, I’m a sucker for anything neat and fancy! 😉

      Thanks so much for your visit and comment. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…10 Top Bloggers of 2014My Profile

  3. I had been trying to work out why my gravatar wasn’t working on my comments. Now I know! Thanks for the simple tweak – really helpful. Now do one for us on how to re-access your sidebar after it has been de-activated following a bad plugin problem!
    Richard Seaton recently posted…Sound AdviceMy Profile

    1. Hi Richard,

      Yay! I’m glad it could help! I just need to get the rest of the course published now – it’s taken FAR too long! Hopefully it will be worth the wait for everyone!

      With regards to your sidebar, I’d suggest me going in again to have a look at it, but with the identity crisis after I posted on your blog last time I’m not sure we should get it any more confused! lol! 😛

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Why I Rejected Hundreds of Dollars Per MonthMy Profile

  4. Nice Video Glenn. I personally like the gravatar of individuals who comment on my blog. It makes them feel more real to me. Just to have silhouette sitting there doesn’t do it for me.

    I think that if you’re serious about building a business online then your objective should be on building relationships and what better way to do that than through an image of yourself.

    I can respect those who are just starting out and don’t have a clue that they need one but for long term marketers and bloggers there is no excuse. Get a gravatar.

    Nice video and post bro. Keep it going.

    Jerry Handy recently posted…Two Insanely Simple Marketing Strategies That Will Get Traffic To Your Site Virtually OvernightMy Profile

    1. Hi Jerry,

      Totally with you on that. As I mentioned in the post, it isn’t necessary to have a Gravatar. It’s perfectly possible to get by without one. but as you say, it’s all about relationships and impressions. For the few moments it takes to create one, there’s no real reason not to have one.

      Thanks for your visit, bud. 🙂

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Do You Need Knowledge to Be an Authority?My Profile

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