Not Getting Results? Focus on the NEGATIVE!
Well, I would have been back with my scheduled Thursday blog post after my scheduling got a little wayward there for a moment. However, it was not to be, as my server decided that it was going to have issues and make all my sites either not work properly or slow down to a completely unusable speed.
Of course, my webhost is claiming that the fault lies at my end, as per usual, but considering that it wouldn’t be the first time (or even the second time) that they have messed up behind the scenes and broken my sites, I’m not placing too much trust in the accuracy of their assessment.
Well, enough’s enough and I’m done with them. All being well, I shall be migrating all my sites over to a more capable host, something I should have done a long time ago really.
Anyway, on with the show….
So, I’m back with another whacky headline that’s likely made many of you go, “Huh!?”
But, if you know me, then you’ll know that my headlines always have a point and relate to an important teaching point that you can take away with you.
This week’s is no exception.
Are You Getting the Desired Results?
I’m going to assume that, if you are reading this far, you fall into one or more of the following categories:
- You are making money online.
- You are yet to make any money online.
- You are a blogger.
- You are a product creator.
- You are trying to build your mailing list.
- You are trying to drive traffic.
Now, there could be many more points, but I reckon that it’s highly likely that one or more of those applies to you. Bearing those points in mind you may also have had one or more of the following questions:
- I’m not making enough money. How can I make more?
- Why have I not made any money?
- Why am I not getting visitors/commenters/shares?
- Why am I not making sales?
- Why am I not getting subscribers?
- Why am I not getting enough traffic?
Did any of those questions resonate with you?
It could be that you feel that you’re doing everything right. Yet, those results are just not coming.
Does that sound familiar?
You may not be doing anything blatantly wrong and you’ve probably worked really hard to get to the stage where you are right now.
So then, what should you do?
Well, I’ll tell you what you shouldn’t do – don’t focus on what it is that you’re doing or have done.
Erm… come again?
That’s right, don’t focus on what you are doing. It could be that most of what you’ve done, you have done correctly.
So why am I not getting results?
In each of the examples I listed above, there could be many, many reasons as to why a person doesn’t get the desired results and I couldn’t begin to cover them here.
But here’s the thing:
You might look at others who have done the same things that you have tried, yet they are getting the results.
So you might ask yourself: “What else can I do?”
We could be onto something here….
Here’s another question to ask yourself:
“What is it that I am NOT doing?”
That there can be the make or break element to your success.
Sure, everything that you have done, you may have done correctly. Within all that there may not be anything that, per se, you have actually done wrong.
But, there could be certain things that you are not doing.
So rather than think about ‘this and this and that’ that you’re doing and not getting results from, focus on what it is that you’re not doing that could be the missing piece(s).
But how can I do that if I don’t know what’s missing?
The answer could be simpler than you may think…
Look at others who have had success with what you want to achieve.
What is it that they did or are doing? Examine their methods, dissect their strategies, even subscribe to them if necessary.
For example, if you’re not getting good open and click-through rates with your e-mails but you know of someone who is an expert in this, subscribe to their list and do a case study on their methods.
Examine their headlines, take note of how often they mail and when. Take note of how they structure their e-mails.
You feel compelled to open one of the e-mails based on the headline? Why?
You feel compelled to click on a link that they’ve included in an e-mail? Again, why?
Think about what it is that compels you to open their e-mails, click their links etc.
It doesn’t have to be only one person with whom you can do this. In fact, it’s better if you take notes from a few different people. Pretty soon you’ll begin to spot patterns.
Of course, e-mail marketing is only one example.
What about someone who has a successful blog. Perhaps they have plenty of commenters and social shares, for example. How do they get people to engage with them? What do you observe the successful blogger doing?
The same goes for a successful product launcher. Examine their sales pages. See how they structure them.
When you purchase something, take note of the sales funnel. Just doing this can teach you a lot about how (and how NOT!) to launch products and structure funnels.
Now, it has to be said that all this alone won’t guarantee success, nor will it make you an instant expert. There’s always going to be work involved in whatever we do.
But if you are not getting the results you desire, look to others who are having success and ask, “What is it they are doing that I am not?”. Remember, there is a reason that they are successful. You just need to take that and apply it to your own business.
Having said all of this, it’s important to not compare yourself with others. You have to focus on your own business and get into your own stride.
But by simply taking note of what ones are doing who are having success, you can make even the smallest of tweaks that can give you the greatest of results.
That’s one of the reasons why it’s good to get yourself a coach and mentor.
Someone who has been there and done it.
Someone to whom you can look for guidance.
Someone whose strategies work and you can copy for yourself.
Someone whom, not only you can copy, but who will give you a complete blueprint for success.
Well, that’s precisely what I did and, in my opinion, I got one of the best in the business.
And providing that much-needed blueprint is exactly what he does. Click on the banner below for a free video about this very blueprint.
Over to You
Have you had any experience of not getting results but then taking note of someone who has had success and then applying what you’ve observed?
Let me know in the comments below!
Hi Glenn,
Just came back from a long vacation and catching up. When I seen this wacky headline I just had to come on over to check this out.
You have brought up some terrific points here. The one I resonate the most is about headlines. I do subscribe to some people that have good open rates and are doing well. So I keep on practicing over and over again. One sure can get some great ideas from others.
Donna Merrill recently posted…Why Bloggers Fail In Blogging | How To Avoid Failure
Hi Donna,
Yes, I like a good headline. I guess that much is evident from this one! 😉
I actually bought a product a while back that contains a huge swipe file of headlines that had been used over a long period, complete with stats. It’s a fascinating and useful resource.
I hope you’re well and had a good vacation! 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Raiders of the Lost Commissions
Hey Glenn,
I’m sorry you were having hosting issues, I can sympathize with you I’m afraid. That’s never fun to have to deal with and we all know that a good bit of the time it is our site but when it’s not and we still get blamed, well that’s when it’s time to reconsider our options. Hope the move went smoothly.
I totally get what you’re saying here and for the most part in my earlier days I did what I was comfortable with so I was doing “some” of the right things but just not all. That’s a huge lesson to learn because we can’t expect to get results if we aren’t willing to do everything necessary in order to get them.
Your examples are great though, if we’re not converting our subscribers into customers then we need to reexamine what it is that we’re doing. If we’re not getting the comments and engagement we need to learn from those that are.
This whole thing is a process and a learning experience. We do have to be willing to learn though or we’re not going to get very far.
Thank you for sharing this and I hope all is well with you this week my friend. Take care and have a good one.
Adrienne recently posted…How to Keep on Blogging When Life Gets Hectic
Hi Adrienne,
Yes indeed, willingness pays a big part in success. Willingness to learn, willingness to change, willingness to work hard. I see it a lot in blogging where people have really great blogs with awesome content, yet they are simply not willing to go that extra mile to ensure the success of their blog. Yet they wonder why they’re not getting results. But it’s like the old adage: you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink, right?
Thanks for stopping by, Adrienne and thank you for sharing. I hope you have a great week ahead. 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…I’m a Tortoise!
Hi Glenn,
I’m asking my self what it is that I am not doing and the why in that. I have two more things to do on my blog to tweak it and get it going. The first thing I need to do is get a news letter up and running for my list and the second thing I need to do is put an ad for BCB on my blog posts. The why in all of that is I don’t know how to do it but I will get going with these issues as soon as possible.
I am surrounded with the best people in the business and am learning a lot from them and of course you are one of them.
Another tremendous post.
You have a wonderful rest of the week.
Linda Schrier recently posted…How To Supplement Your Income Online
Hi Linda,
Yes, it’s important to learn from the best and you certainly have two of them in Adrienne and Ashley. 🙂
What I would suggest for putting ads in your blog posts is test different things. Give each ad its own unique tracking ID and then try different ways of placing your ads. Not only will this give you an idea of the type of thing that works best, but it will also help to reduce ‘ad blindness’ in your regular readers.
Keep on plugging away, you’re doing great! 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Are You an Expert in Your Field?
Hi Glenn.
Another great post.
I know what I have done that has worked. I seem to be getting a small amount of recurring income from solos I did in the past. I haven’t purchased any in a couple of months due to funding. The monthly income I’ve been getting is helping to pay off the balance from the solos I did purchase.
I also know what I haven’t done enough of, blog hopping, writing content for my blog, finish my ebook.
I can tell you, that’s all about to change. I was up until around 3:00 in the morning putting together a list of tasks to be done this week, 73 in all, setting up my schedule for the week. This is going to be the case study for my ebook, tasks needed to complete it are part of the 73 for the week. If all goes right, all tasks will either be completed or in motion. What ever I don’t get done this week, will be at the top of next week’s task list.
I may have some trouble getting it all done this week due to losing most of this afternoon to having to take my mom to an appointment, but with the techniques I’m using, I should be able to still get most done.
You are right when you say we should check out what the persons who are succeeding are doing and integrate it with what we are doing already.
Anyway, I’ve rambled on enough.
Have a great week……..Chris
Chris DeeWaard recently posted…Are You Making These Rookie Blogging Mistakes? Here’s How to Fix Them
Hey Chris,
Knowing what works could be applied to the opposite of the blog post title: “Getting Results? Focus on the POSITIVE!”. In other words, if you have got results from something, do more of it! In your case it may not be as cut and dry as that because of balancing the funding, but the principle still applies. You have tried the solo ad method, you know that it can generate results, therefore you know that it is a viable approach to use.
I look forward to seeing you do more of what you know you’re not doing enough of! 😉 (Heck, that’s a mouthful! lol!)
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Time Management May Be Hazardous to Your Business
Hi Glenn.
I hear what you’re saying about solo ads. I’m going to be purchasing 500 clicks this week from the DFY, as a matter of fact. Had to wait a couple of months.
I have been busy this week, when not driving my mom around, and it’s a good feeling. My ebook is finally coming along. I basically rewrote the introduction, added an overview section, and need to add pictures to chapters 1 and 2, and am almost done with chapter 3. Sitting at 1,494 words, so far.
I started with 74 different tasks to do this week. 48 completed, 2 cancelled. I have 1 in progress and 23 left to do, most of which should be done by the end of Friday. I lost almost 2 days dealing with my mother.
Getting 48 completed in 3 days wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t used the techniques I’m writing about in my ebook.
Anyway, I rambled long enough.
Have a great upcoming weekend…….Chris
Chris DeeWaard recently posted…Be Prepared or Pay!!
Hey Chris,
Good stuff, mate! I look forward to seeing the end result with your e-book. It sounds like it will be a helpful read.
Keep at it, bro! 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…RSS Demystified
All so true. It is looking for the space that has not yet been filled and fill it with what is needed, required and wanted. Going to every corner and every particle of what has not yet been conquered, not because it is necessary but it is where others have not ventured. The untamed, the wild the unknown which can be so exhilarating in that journey on it’s own…great blog …..well done…Go Glenn
Hi Jennifer,
That is very true. It’s those who are willing to push the boundaries and endeavour to make a difference who are the ones who are most likely to make it. Humility is also needed. Instead of questioning why they should do something or question the validity of a particular suggestion, they should simply take note from the people who are putting those things into practice and getting the results. It happens all too often, though, that some just plain refuse to go down that route, preferring to be guided by their own preconceptions and then struggling to get the results.
I like that phrase, “the wild unknown”. I think a lot fear the unknown, so they would rather stay where they feel it’s nice and safe. Then, if the results don’t come, they can blame everything and everyone but themselves. But taking those strides into the unknown and filling that space brings accountability.
Thanks for stopping by and for your comment! 🙂
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…“Tim Burton Made Me Late for Work”
I really enjoyed the blog post… I identify with it in so many ways. And I agree about needing a mentor that has been there and done that. But, I also believe that, in addition to the mentor, you also need a community to join with and work together toward your goals. Glenn is part of such a community and I really recommend him and thank him for his help so far in my business.
Greg Ray recently posted…Grasping the Business Mindset
Hi Greg,
I’m glad you enjoyed this post. That’s very interesting that you mention the importance of having a community too. This is something that I am going to be covering in a forthcoming training, as it happens! Watch this space…… 😉
Thanks for the recommendation, I’m glad that I have been able to help you. Keep on plugging away, never give up and you’ll get to where you want to be.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a great comment. Talk to you soon!
Glenn Shepherd recently posted…EMA Podcast 004: “5 Top Tips for a Successful Blog”