getting traffic

The Number 1 Reason Why You Don’t Have a Problem Getting Traffic

The Number 1 Reason Why You Don’t Have a Problem Getting Traffic

Hi there,

It’s great to have you here, thanks so much for stopping by to check out my latest post. šŸ™‚

So then…


This one word can instill such a variety of emotions in bloggers, product vendors and Internet marketers the world over.

It’s pretty much universally recognised that getting traffic is one of the most important things you need to nail for your online business or blog to succeed.

getting trafficIt’s as I always say: traffic = people.

So, without people, you have no business, right?

That’s why, then, it’s criticalĀ to give attention to this important topic.

But in so doing, people agonize over it. They pour their heart and soul into figuring out new ways of getting traffic, trying to find some magic solution that will solve all their traffic problems.

Sound familiar?

I wouldn’t be surprised if it does, especially if you’re a newbie. After all, without an audience, you’re pretty much hamstrung before you’ve even started.

Or at least that may be how it feels.

But I’m going to let you in on a secret…

Well, it’s not really a secret, but given the way some people view this topic, you might think it was!

You Don’t Have a Problem Getting Traffic

Here’s the thing:getting traffic

The number 1 reason why you don’t have a problem getting traffic is because there isn’t a problem.

Let me say that again – getting traffic isn’t a problem.

Getting traffic is the easy part.

The bigger issues are:

  1. Ā What are you doing to brand yourself and get exposure?
  2. Ā What are you doing with the traffic once it gets to where you want it to go?

You see, there is a wealth of traffic out there and so many ways to get it. If you have an offer and you want to direct people to a squeeze page, you can buy traffic. There’s no shortage of paid traffic available.

If you are a blogger then you have a ready-made audience on other people’s blogs.

If you are a social media marketer, there so many platforms out there, each with millions of users.

So you see, traffic itself isn’t the problem.

What IS The Problem?

getting trafficConversions.

Conversions are always going to be the prime issue to address when it comes to the success of your business or blog, whether your conversions are in terms of sales, subscribers or whatever the end result is that you are aiming for.

Let’s go back to our two points above and consider the first one: What are you doing to brand yourself and get exposure?

Let me give you a hypothetical scenario (one that I have witnessed many, many times):

A blogger starts their blog. They put up a few posts, each containing great, original content. Hours turn into days, days turn into weeks and still, no traffic.

“Why am I not getting any results with my blog? How do I get people to comment? Why won’t they subscribe? I’ve checked my Analytics and I’m getting hardly any visitors. What am I doing wrong?”

I’ve heard that lament so many times.

My answer is always the same: “What are you doing to bring the traffic?”

I understand the line of thinking – put up a website, submit it to the search engines, people will find it and visit my site.

Well yeah, if you are going to go down the SEO route then perhaps, in its most basic form, that’s essentially what we would expect to happen.

However, no matter whether you focus on SEO or not, there are other things that you need to be doing.

You need to be branding yourself, getting out there and getting exposure.

getting trafficMake a name for yourself. Give people a reason to click on your links and visit your blog or offer.

Give people a reason to talk about you, to recommend you. Give people a reason to seek you out based on your reputation.

By doing this, you are warming up and pre-framing your traffic so that it will naturally gravitate to you and your site.

If you’re a blogger, visit other people’s blogs. Share their content, leave comments of value that contribute to the thread. Reach out to people, help them.

Use social media.

Social media is referred to by many as the new SEO and for good reason. Aside from the social signals that a good social media presence sends to the search engines, it is one of the very best ways to cement your branding and get people to know, like and trust you.

Think of YouTube. Not only is it owned by Google, but it is the most popularĀ videoĀ site.

getting trafficVideo is something that I know I don’t leverage enough myself, but the power of leveraging a site such as YouTube is plain to see.

If you were to make regular, daily videos that contained short, bite-sized points that were interesting and full of value, making sure you always included a call-to-action back to your offer or blog, do you think that you’d get traffic from that?

Of course you would!

And you would treat it in exactly the same way as I mentioned above with regards to blogging – get out there and visit other channels in your niche. Like and share their content, leave comments of value on their videos and offer help when appropriate, not only to the channel owner, but to their audience.

Do you think that would get you noticed?

Do you think that this would increase the know, like and trust factor?

Too right!

You see, it’s taking this principle and applying it to whatever you’re doing, whether it be blog-hopping, using social media or using video sites.

You are getting out there and making an impact upon people (potential traffic) before they even reach your site!

The next thing to consider is: what are you doing with the traffic once it gets to where you’ve sent it?

Is your content engaging, inviting?

Are you responding to comments on your blog posts, or comments/questions sent via e-mail?

Are you using clear calls-to-action, telling your visitor precisely what you what them to do at a given moment?

If you’re giving something away as a lead magnet in exchange for the person’s e-mail address, is your gift relevant and compelling enough, as well as the copy?

getting trafficNurture Your Audience

Do you see now why getting traffic is not the problem?

There is literally a whole world of traffic out there. Of course, there will be varying degrees of responsiveness and there will be times when you have to work a little harder to get it.

But generally, the actual task of getting traffic is not the hard part. The hard part is the conversions.

You could have all the traffic in the world, but if you aren’t optimising your conversion process then it will count for very little.

So bear the aspect of getting traffic in mind, of course. I would definitely say that you should have a clear idea as to what your traffic strategies are going to be.

But if you aren’t getting the results you want, whether it be sales, subscribers, commenters or whatever, it is more likely that you have other pressing issues rather than just the job of getting traffic.

If you are making sure to connect with people, engage with them and put out as much value into the marketplace as you can, then the traffic will, to a degree, look after itself.

The thing is too, that the traffic you get from adopting this approach will be much more targeted and much more likely to take action on what it is you want it to do.

And for the cold traffic that lands on your blog or your offer, if you are doing all you can to nurture it, then it will be much more likely to warm to you and, in turn, go onto take action.

What Have You Found?

What methods have you found to be effective in attracting good quality traffic?

I’ve already mentioned that I know that I don’t do enough with video. What about you? What could you be doing to increase engagement with your audience and, in turn increase the volume and quality of your traffic?

Let me know by leaving a comment below!

And if you enjoyed this post, please don’t forget to share it. šŸ™‚

Until next time,

About Glenn

Glenn is a Certified Internet Profits Consultant

14 thoughts on “The Number 1 Reason Why You Don’t Have a Problem Getting Traffic”

  1. Hi Glenn,
    This post is worth a multiple re-read. What resonated with me the most was – “what are you doing to bring the traffic?” Truthfully, so far, not much.

    However, you offer a very clear cut plan to warm up and pre-frame traffic through visiting/commenting on other people’s blogs and video sites, and commenting on social media. Each comment made will help develop a name/brand for oneself which will impact people before they even arrive at ones site.

    I think before I start hopping around too much though and leaving comments, I should have more than a handful of posts on my own blog for others to view.

    I feel like I need to develop a business plan which includes a schedule of all the things that need to be done to build my business so that everything I am learning is actually being applied. Well, at least, as many of the things that time permits. Otherwise, I would just be stuck in information overload mode and not move forward.

    Before teaching my students in my classroom, I spend hours developing the lesson plans and selecting the required resources to implement the lessons. I’m guessing that if I treated my online business as professionally as I treat teaching, I’d achieve great results.

    Thank you for the information in your post. It provided me the guidance that I needed.

    Angie Elenis recently posted…Make Money Watching a VideoMy Profile

    1. Hi Angie,

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your great comment!

      Having a plan is essential, so just through that realisation you’re already way ahead of so many.


      Be careful: planning is no good without action. And while it’s certainly important to plan, you don’t want that to end up being an excuse for not doing anything, just waiting for some perceived ideal set of circumstances. For example, you mentioned that you feel that you should have a few posts up on your blog before you start sending people to it. Why? The number of posts you have is irrelevant. If the content in one post is good, then why not start getting the word out there? Your audience won’t care whether your blog is brand new with only one post or a blog with 100 posts. It’s how you come across, present your information and the value it contains that they will care about the most.

      In fact, on a brand new blog, it can actually end up resulting in LESS interaction to build up a catalogue of posts and then start sending traffic than it can by doing so with just one post. It isn’t as cut and dry as just that and there are many more factors involved, but it’s something to bear in mind that can be the case.

      So, bottom line – get your blog out there as soon as possible! People need to know about you, so get started right now – don’t wait! šŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Success – Should It Always Be Emulated?My Profile

  2. Barb Skarupa

    You always have the best advice Glenn, thanks so much! You know I’m a beginner, and I’m going to share this article on my blog, when its up and running. Getting close…. trying to find content that I feel is good and will help people! So naturally, I came to you first! Thanks again! Barb

    1. Hi Barb,

      Welcome to my blog! šŸ™‚

      Good content that will help people is very important. But remember to not get too wrapped up in ‘finding’ content. The very best content will be that that you have discovered and learned for yourself, from your own experience. It is that kind of content that you can really pour your heart and soul into creating and your audience will pick up on that which, in turn, will help go towards building a relationship with them.

      Thanks for your kind comments, I hope you have a great weekend! šŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Are You Suffering from this Potentially Deadly Business Disease?My Profile

    1. Hi Saeed,

      Sorry for the late response. As I mentioned to my reply to Rob below, I’ve had some tech issues I’ve had to sort out on my blog, so I’ve had some difficulty with commenting.

      Regarding backlinks, as you are probably aware, Google places much less importance on them these days. To be honest, I’ve never placed much importance on them as a ranking tool full-stop. For me, backlinks are only important if people are going to use them. And that is the point. Your link exposure should be for the aim of giving value to people who want to see it, not purely for trying to rank. Google is much more interested in content of good value, as well as real, human activity, hence why good use of social media is so important these days.

      So my recommendation is to always put out good quality content, get exposure, make valuable connections and build real relationships with your audience rather than worry about trying to rank with backlinks. That’s pretty much always been my take on it, but these days it’s more important than ever.

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…5 Benefits You Ought to Know About EngagementMy Profile

  3. This certainly was a kick in the teeth for me. I know my problem mainly is sticking to getting good at one thing at a time. I have had luck with video, and I have slipped on this. I need to get back on the saddle with video and somehow utilize my video content for my blog. Great post man.

    1. Hey Rob,

      Sorry for the late reply – had a few blog tech issues, but getting back on track now.

      Sticking with one thing and mastering it is certainly essential. It can be too tempting to try to implement and/or learn too many things at once and this can cause us to spread ourselves too thinly and not get any real traction.

      I think video is definitely something you should continue to focus on if you can, as you do come across very well on video. And, if you’ve seen results from your videos then it would definitely make sense to leverage that.

      I’ve seen you having some nice successes in the last few days, well done and congrats! Keep on growing! šŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Is There Something Missing From Your Strategy?My Profile

  4. Very insightful post. Writing for SEO, I mean the keyword based articles are always centric to search engine. If I concentrate of customer-centric, Absolutely I’m not able to concentrate on SEO factors. Please advise how to balance both!

    1. Hi,

      If writing for a blog, then SEO isn’t something I pay much attention to. I believe that being audience-centric is of paramount importance above all else.

      If you wish to balance both then just do it. I can’t see any reason as to why you shouldn’t be able to focus on your audience if you are concentrating on SEO. If you’re concentrating on SEO to such a degree that it’s affecting your relationship with your audience then I would suggest that this is a problem that you need to address and would require an honest rethink as to your approach.

      But above all else, whether you’re writing content for a blog, releasing products, running memberships or whatever you’re doing, you should always be audience-centric. It is your audience who are of prime importance. Lose sight of that and you’ll have problems.

      Thanks for stopping by! šŸ™‚

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…Why Making Money Online and Online Business are NOT the Same Thing!My Profile

  5. Hey Glenn
    ā€œWithout an audience, youā€™re pretty much hamstrungā€ This is the very reason I came on here to read this blog. As a newbie to the world of blog writing I think I am writing great stuff (donā€™t we all!) but have yet to build any meaningful foot fall, the traffic is just not there yet! So when I read ā€œGetting traffic is the easy part.ā€ I immediately want to scream ā€œNO IT FLIPPING ISNā€™T YOU CHUFFING MORON!ā€
    I did what a lot of us do, I paid for a Facebook ad to direct traffic to my blog. Andā€¦ of course you are right! I take back the moron comment, sorry!
    The traffic count went up. In my case it was not a dramatic increase, but it did go up and in my defence it was my first advert (I will get better at writing the copy as time goes by). The problem was that that traffic died as soon as the advert died, and none of the traffic commented on the blog or signed up to my email list.
    The problem as you point out in your article is not the traffic, it what they are coming to and why they are coming. Your article has given me some really clear and actionable pointers.
    I really to do more to both promote my site, and to make the visit worthwhile for the reader. For me the ā€˜brandā€™ is much more than the logo, and I feel I have been letting my brand down. The brand is the ethos and culture I want people to associate with the logo. I want people to know that my brand is about delivering honest, valuable content. I want to exceed their expectations, and frankly, I have just not put ion the effort to achieve that brand status.
    I have started to visit other blogs, and to leave comments, it is time consuming, and does not always result in tangible responses, but because I am focusing on blogs in my area (affiliate marketing) a by-product is that I am picking up some valuable insights.
    Social media is something I know I need to make more use of, I have the tools (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube accounts) I simply need to get more regular and proficient at using them.
    I think my blog is well written and I hope engaging, BUTā€¦. I think I need to concentrate much more on not just telling the story of our journey, but also providing some valuable free content that people will want and not mind ā€˜paying forā€™ y leaving their email address. The challenge is creating that content, but I can see how important that is. I recently spent the time to document who my ideal reader would be, and that has made such a big difference. I now know who I am writing for and have a shrewd idea of what they might find of value. The key here is now to act and create that material.
    But if you arenā€™t getting the results you want, whether it be sales, subscribers, commenters or whatever, it is more likely that you have other pressing issues rather than just the job of getting traffic.
    If you are making sure to connect with people, engage with them and put out as much value into the marketplace as you can, then the traffic will, to a degree, look after itself.
    The one thing I have not done, and thanks for pointing this out in your article, is to create a clear traffic generation plan. That will require some research and help.
    I enjoyed reading this blog, have been challenged and informed and can see that the issue is not getting traffic, itā€™s getting the right traffic and giving them a compelling reason to return.
    Tony recently posted…The Digital Route to RetirementMy Profile

    1. Hey Tony,

      Great comment, mate, lots of excellent points in there!

      If I had to pick just one it would be this one: “If you arenā€™t getting the results you want, whether it be sales, subscribers, commenters or whatever, it is more likely that you have other pressing issues rather than just the job of getting traffic.”

      That there is the key and it’s the thing that I see so many overlooking. Bottom line: if you are not getting whatever results that you think you should be, then you need to take a cold, hard, honest look at what you’re doing. It’s at this point where many people have a tendency to look everywhere other than the one place they should be looking – themselves.

      If you’re not getting the results that you perhaps should be, then there’s a reason for it. And the reason is more than likely very close to home.

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a great comment and I apologise for the late reply!

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…“Are You Talking to Me?”My Profile

  6. Hi Glenn.

    Great post. You are right about getting traffic not being the problem. I know when I do visit other blogs, comment and share, I do get visitors to my blog. My problem is not doing it enough.

    I also know that I do need to work on creating lead magnets that will get people to want to join my mailing list and into the sales funnels I should be promoting. Like you said, you can have every person coming to your site, squeeze page, etc., but it doesn’t do any good without being able to convert them into customers down the road. I do have a lot to accomplish to optimize my blog, feed the funnel for the products in which I’m an affiliate, etc.

    Thanks for putting this out there.

    Have a great weekend………Chris
    Chris DeeWaard recently posted…Affiliate Marketing BasicsMy Profile

    1. Hey Chris, my man!

      You’ve mentioned a few important points there that you know you need to address for your own blog, etc. The question is: What are you going to do about it?

      That’s the key – once you know the areas you have to work on, you need to get cracking on fixing them!

      I know that it’s not always a walk in the park and we all encounter challenges in one form or another. But the crucial thing always is taking action, especially when you know what it is that needs addressing.

      The second part of this is to ask for help with any specific areas where you need it. Then, it’s a case of taking the help and starting at the first point again – taking action!


      1) Identify areas that need improvement.

      2) Fix those areas.

      3) If you can’t fix them or aren’t even sure which areas are problematic, ask for help or educate yourself as to how to improve and fix things.

      4) Take what you’ve learned and apply it.

      5) Go back to point number 1.

      That’s pretty much the formula that all successful people will follow, no matter what their level. I guarantee that Dean goes through this process constantly.

      The thing is (and I’m not saying that you are doing this, I’m just stating this for the benefit of everyone), a lot of people get stuck at point number 1. They know things aren’t working for some reason and they might not even be sure what to do to fix them. But they stay there and don’t do anything about it and thus, they don’t progress.

      Sometimes people can identify areas that need fixing or improving (point number 3), but they’re not sure how to go about it, so they ask for help. The help and advice is given, but then they don’t do anything with it and they end up getting stuck at point number 1 again.

      This cycle is like an engine that’s misfiring, it never quite gets going properly because all the cylinders aren’t working. When people just get stuck on points 1 and 3, they never quite get moving properly because ‘cylinders’ 2, 4 and 5 aren’t working. It’s only when they’re all working together that your ‘engine’ will work properly and get you moving forwards.

      The reason I’ve talked about all that in response to your comment is because for you, you’ve identified some key areas that you know you need to address. The crucial step now is to make sure that you don’t allow yourself to get stuck with a misfiring engine. Put the oil in, give all the cylinders some lubrication, get the engine operating efficiently and let’s get you moving forwards! šŸ™‚

      Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend, have yourself a fantastic weekend!

      Glenn Shepherd recently posted…3 Essential Rules for Making Money with Your BlogMy Profile

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